View Full Version : Whats my perfect lip...? Two different Mugen

28-10-2008, 09:04 PM

Well im after a front lip for my dc2. And i think what i want is called a 'mugen style'

This is my inspiration and i want one like this :P
http://img372.imageshack.us/img372/6476/dochreast2sy3.th.jpg (http://img372.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dochreast2sy3.jpg)http://img372.imageshack.us/images/thpix.gif (http://g.imageshack.us/thpix.php)

notice how the lip is attached to the bottom of the bumper. The lip dosnt over lap the bottom of the bumper and u can see the strip under the grill.

I thought i found this lip and it was called the mugen lip. However after a closer look ive notice two differnt types.

Most lips i see for sale look like this...
http://img374.imageshack.us/img374/6129/lipsrx2.th.jpg (http://img374.imageshack.us/my.php?image=lipsrx2.jpg)http://img374.imageshack.us/images/thpix.gif (http://g.imageshack.us/thpix.php)

The plastic tag/flap coming from the middle of the lip, it seems to over lap the bottom of the grill and cover the bottom of the bar.
( i know the bottom 2 pics are facelift, ive seen both lips on both preface and old face)

All the 'mugen' front lips i see have this and im not sure how it will attach and how it will look.

I dont see how that plastic bit can tuck into the bar, as there is abit of a oem plastic under the front bar.
Anyone have any ideas?

Im NEED one like this .. :D
http://img363.imageshack.us/img363/563/absplasticmugenfrliptegpx3.th.jpg (http://img363.imageshack.us/my.php?image=absplasticmugenfrliptegpx3.jpg)http://img363.imageshack.us/images/thpix.gif (http://g.imageshack.us/thpix.php)

Any body notice this before?
Am I crazy?
How do i know what one im getting ?

BTW ive also notice the same think with the EG mugen front lip.
http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/3129/egggz9.th.jpg (http://img404.imageshack.us/my.php?image=egggz9.jpg)http://img404.imageshack.us/images/thpix.gif (http://g.imageshack.us/thpix.php)
( maybe they are for different Gen Civics, im not sure)

thanks guys
Hope u can understand me xD

28-10-2008, 09:08 PM
i think u can probably drill a hole and pop some of the bolts out from underneath and screw them back into the lip.
ie. drill holes where bolts are on the lip and then prop em back into the lip through the hole so it holds?

the lips themselves dun hold onto the grill its the screws on either side u can cut the mid peice off i guess.

28-10-2008, 09:10 PM
You are right, most 'mugen' styles have that bit covering the bottom grille area. This part is used as another mount, most will come with a screw part where you can drill a hole on the top corners of this area to secure the lip.

If you do not like the look, why not diy cut it off :P

29-10-2008, 12:04 AM
Oooh that's hot, but good luck gettin over bumps ;)

29-10-2008, 12:24 AM
im pretty sure the one you are after is the spoon carbon fibre lip well thats what it looks like on the first one :)

mugen ones have that overlap lip while spoonhangs off the bottom of the front bar

29-10-2008, 12:58 AM
they are both different lips..
they just have the similar style and many ppl mixed the two together, thinking they are the same lip.
referring to the last pic;
red EG = mugen lip
white EG = spoon lip

difference, the bottom of the mugen lip is straight & flat.. where as the spoon caves in, and obviously how it mounts onto the front bar as you have pointed out.

So the lip you are after is a Mugen lip.

29-10-2008, 03:35 AM
geniune lips dont have the bit that go onto your grill they are mounted from the side and bottom.. the style and replica lips are generally the ones that have the part that fit onto the grill where u drill it in. my 2cents

29-10-2008, 03:38 PM

The lip you are looking for is PREfacelift

the lips that have the part you don't want are on FACElift models..

The pictures you shown, the ones that show the bottom are PREfacelift(93-97), where as the ones where it has that bit the overlaps are on facelift(late98+) models

-- not 2 sure on the years where facelift and preface are, but yeah --

rep point wooooo

29-10-2008, 06:51 PM
hmmm thanks 4 ur input guys :D

From what ive have herd, i think dudeling7 is rite. What im after is a spoon front lip. It seems to be a patten that all the spoon lips attach to the bottom of the bar.
( when you put 'spoon front lip integra' in google images you see alot of that i want)

I dont think i have seen a 'mugen' lip without that flap that goes into the grill...

If you do not like the look, why not diy cut it off :P
I dont think you can rly do that as the whole lip its self fits over the bottom of the bar. You would need to trim alot more then just the little tab 2 get the same look.

The lip you are looking for is PREfacelift
and yeah MWAKU i am after a pre-facelift. I dont think that makes any difference tho as ive seen both types of lips on both pre and old faces :D

cheers guys
I guess now im looking for a 'spoon' front lip.
Or a mugen without the plastic flap ( havnt seen one )

so the next question is, has anyone seem any for sale? or got an idea where i could find one?

thanks again

29-10-2008, 07:40 PM
He means, in the pictures you have, the ones with the top are on facelifts, thus, when you buy that lip for preface, it wont come with it, which is the mugen one. Whereas, mugen facelift have the top thing you don't like, but whatever, cause you are looking for prefacelift ones, which won't have it.

Trader selling it:
http://www.ozhonda.com/forum/showthread.php?t=79747 (when they come back in stock)

30-10-2008, 08:27 AM
i got my spoon ek lip and it has the same shit, i know what is annoying you but.
you can DIY hack the part you dont like off. its one line down the middle.

30-10-2008, 09:01 AM
Ive got a spoon lip on my dc2 and it looks exactly the same as the one pictured! It bolts straight onto the bottom of the bar! Here is a pic and sorry about the quality as it is off my phone. Hope it helps

30-10-2008, 10:24 AM
i got my spoon ek lip and it has the same shit, i know what is annoying you but.
you can DIY hack the part you dont like off. its one line down the middle.

Post pics! I'm looking for a Spoon lip :thumbsup:

03-11-2008, 12:31 AM
mohdmanutd, im not sure if ur nite.
this lip http://img389.imageshack.us/img389/3430/bike002vu6.th.jpg (http://img389.imageshack.us/my.php?image=bike002vu6.jpg)http://img389.imageshack.us/images/thpix.gif (http://g.imageshack.us/thpix.php) its a preface and its still not what im after.
The lip over laps the bottom of the bar still and dosnt expose the bottom of the grill.

And this one for sale dosnt look like it :(
http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/5846/aassln0.th.png (http://img99.imageshack.us/my.php?image=aassln0.png)http://img99.imageshack.us/images/thpix.gif (http://g.imageshack.us/thpix.php)

TBS33N hot teg man, where yall get ya front lip ? :D

thanks 4 ur help fellas

03-11-2008, 09:49 AM
Hey i got the spoon lip off a mate, i have spoken to him already and he said he can ship to QLD for ya. I have sent you PM with his name and number.

03-11-2008, 10:21 AM
A perfect one is an OEM lip, or a Type R lip. Nothing fits better, especially a fake knock off "Spoon or Mugen" lip.

03-11-2008, 02:38 PM
I love you vtecmcmuffin your the best!

03-11-2008, 02:56 PM
TBSEEN's does fit well, but his has been fitted properly, along with skirts and stuff. I have seen way to many dodgily fitted replica kits, and skirts, and lips, that just look plain crap.

03-11-2008, 03:16 PM
In case you were wondering this is what a real Mugen lip for pre-facelift DC2 looks like, it overlaps the whole bottom of the bumper:


05-11-2008, 08:20 PM
thx alot TBS33N,u got pm

TBSEEN's does fit well
:( i hope the one i end up getting fits well ( would like 2 get a replica ) im so desperate for one, hope it works :S

Cheers chargeR, that is one style of a mugen lip. but not the one ppl always sell as 'the mugen'.
It dosnt seem to over lap to me, looks like it attaches rite to the bottom, as u can still see all the original bar under the fog lights there.

thanks guys. ill continue my search for a 'spoon lip' ( i think lol)
I rang AeroImage Garage, a place here in Brissy. He could only tell me about the genuin spoon front lip. only comes in carbon Fiber --- $880 worth :/