View Full Version : NSW / DECC - Noise / Emmisions / Anti-Tampering

05-11-2008, 01:06 PM
Now I thought I'd post below the letters I received as well as the checklist used in NSW to check your car for modifications.

I and the older and long-time members of this forum I guess are sick of repeating ourselves on some things like legalities and having some young jockey n00b argue or debate an issue. We don't really give a shit about any insignificant reply you think you can contribute

We're here to help those who will listen and want to avoid costs and hassles like we've already experienced.

For example myself having spent over $1xxx on a custom/aftermarket exhaust system only to spend within $100 of that original amount to put it all back to stock... it took me 5 noise tests before I passed.

Outlined in the 2nd image is the checklist of things they go through. Unless you have an engineering certificate for your parts then don't bother taking yours for testing until you've replaced it as they won't tell you you've "Instant Failed" until after you've paid... funny that.

As for the noise test it takes the following to get you a letter from the DECC:
1) 3x Direct Independent complaints from civilians
2) 1x Direct Complaint from government workers (ie Police, Council workers, etc)

If you have an aftermarket catalytic converter, if you want to keep it then you have to book yourself in for "Voluntary Emissions Test" at 1 of 2 stations in NSW (Penrith and Cronulla area from memory)

You Fail Vehicle Inspection after deadline then your issued with a Defective Notice and straight to pits for you where they go through every inch of your car. Fail to get it fixed and your License of all things is suspended. Still fail and your rego is cancelled and vehicle impounded.

Test RPM is dependent on vehicle make. Honda submitted 5700rpm for B-Series engines for ADR compliance.

dB limit is also dependent on year make of your vehicle. AFAIK newer vehicles have to pass 87dB

If you want to drive around with an obviously modified vehicle (exhaust and induction on vtec motors being the most apparent) then drive sensibly. The combination of modified vehicles (jap cars) and Hoons are the reason these shitty rules are in place so don't go hating on us for advising on the RIGHT things. And some of you wonder why people who Hoon in unmodified sedans etc never get picked on... their not obvious.. DUH!!!

05-11-2008, 01:06 PM


05-11-2008, 01:08 PM






05-11-2008, 01:24 PM
good post dsp. i never thought these would be illegal

05-11-2008, 01:28 PM
good post dsp. i never thought these would be illegal


I know some people are gonna ask though but all those items in the checklist affect emissions.

Its getting sent to the pits thats going to be hell worse.

My advice to all of you who are modifying your cars.. DO NOT SELL your stock parts. YOU WILL NEED IT especially when wreckers want a fortune for simple shit like an airbox and full resonator assembly... they see some young P-Plater in their shop with a Hoonda and they know exactly why you want it.... be smart:thumbsup:

05-11-2008, 01:40 PM
Why did they test offside and nearside for the first test (and hence failing nearside but passing offside), but in the 2nd test they tested both with offside?

05-11-2008, 01:45 PM
Why did they test offside and nearside for the first test (and hence failing nearside but passing offside), but in the 2nd test they tested both with offside?

erm... not actually sure. I recall that the entire test was on nearside to a specific height/distance/angle.

I also recall those values he's put under "Nearside" correspond with the throttle-off volume I was getting.

That setup was VERY quite and 84dB almost mute.. makes me wonder how the hell 99% of cars on the road aren't even defective.. achieving perfect 84dB was no small feat

19-08-2009, 08:41 PM
bump for good shit

28-08-2009, 10:09 PM
What did they say about the fuel pressure reg

31-08-2009, 10:10 AM
What did they say about the fuel pressure reg

like i said everything on that list is instant fail if not OEM.

had to remove mine because it was 'adjustable' and affects emmisions (which is true anyway) if not left at oem position which is 38psi for stock.

he didn't mind the pressure gauge i had mounted on the fuel filter though.

31-08-2009, 02:20 PM
87dBA for new cars? Not bad when you consider a standard Harley with straight pipes breaks 99dBA!

When I put the Supercharged straight 6 into my Hilux Ute I went for noise and emissions testing. Mine passed the noise test (from my engineer) and the Emissions test at Penrith but only just, after two runs. The guy who was doing the testing at Penrith said even new cars off the factory floor fail the Emissions test. In fact that test is only used to generate paperwork - its still up to your engineer and the RTA to decide if they will let your vehicle pass rego and be allowed on the road!

Emissions Testing Facility, Penrith





My home made exhaust, with Commodore Cat and Lukey Sports Muffler




01-09-2009, 12:25 PM
^^^bloody oath... i was so angry. my stock exhaust system with only extractors was still hitting 93dB an revving and 97dB on back off coz the oem muffler kept farting (baffling was probably goneskies)

i did however have a way around it, for anyone interested PM me regarding how i got it from 93-97dB down to 84B flat!

01-09-2009, 01:04 PM
Thanks for the info, very informative.
Will make sure i keep the OEM bits, and might go test my car with a friends sound meter, just want to know where I stand.
In regards to the CAT, does this mean you cant change over to ANY hi-flow CAT? I got a stainless steel one from JDM Yard, but have not put it on yet, would like to know before I install if its going to cause issues.

Might have to go with my other idea of buying a 2000 Legend ha, cruisy comfort rather than hi rev fun

01-09-2009, 01:19 PM
Hey, does anyone know if those exhausts with the butterfly control valve are illegal? the ones that are controlled by an in cabin-switch?

01-09-2009, 01:33 PM
Hey, does anyone know if those exhausts with the butterfly control valve are illegal? the ones that are controlled by an in cabin-switch?

Generally anything that you can modify on the spot is frowned upon. i.e. Varex mufflers, unlocked ecu's, etc.

01-09-2009, 01:48 PM
Hey, does anyone know if those exhausts with the butterfly control valve are illegal? the ones that are controlled by an in cabin-switch?

Not illegal to sell, just illegal to use on a public road!

Go figure!


02-09-2009, 08:57 PM
Thanks for the info, very informative.
Will make sure i keep the OEM bits, and might go test my car with a friends sound meter, just want to know where I stand.
In regards to the CAT, does this mean you cant change over to ANY hi-flow CAT? I got a stainless steel one from JDM Yard, but have not put it on yet, would like to know before I install if its going to cause issues.

Might have to go with my other idea of buying a 2000 Legend ha, cruisy comfort rather than hi rev fun

The cat was a weird thing for me... the fellow told me aftermarket doesn't matter as long as it's bigger than oem, ie the oval magnaflow ones are bigger than the cylinder oem. i had a hi flow barrel type one which was marginally bigger than oem.. he'd have none of it and asked me to do a 'voluntary emissions test' which i also booked at Penrith... didn't wanna sound overly stupid when i did so since they asked why.. i just said i was doing it voluntarily for piece of mind for the prospective buyer of my car...

Hey, does anyone know if those exhausts with the butterfly control valve are illegal? the ones that are controlled by an in cabin-switch?
Only legal one is the Remus system that Carline sells... manually adjustable valve and ADR approved.

Now people say that the varex should be allowed, but the fact you can change it at will while inside the car as you get pulled over for noise pollution prevents the device from EVER being ADR approved.