View Full Version : so how do i become able to sell in the marketplace??

08-12-2008, 06:39 PM
i dont quite understand... how many times do ppl need to give me rep for me to be able to?

08-12-2008, 06:41 PM

- Cant post an item for sale ?

Due to problems we have been having with people taking advantage of the marketplace on ozhonda, in order to post items for sale the title under your username must display 'Member'.

To become a "Member" you need to have been registered for at least 90 days AND have at least 1 Post Quality point. That is, the little box under your profile needs to be green. More information on the Post Quality System is here (http://www.ozhonda.com/forum/showthread.php?t=31660).

NOTE: Your post count has nothing to do with becoming a Member.

Those are the rules. If you have a problem, make a post in the Site discussion forum.

Do not PM a mod/admin in regards to this as they will not reply your PM.

I heart the SSS
08-12-2008, 06:42 PM
You need to receive reputation from someone of a high caliber, AKA someone with heaps of dots under their name..

I think even if you receive a rep point from someone with two dots, you will receive at least one point enabling you to post in the trader section..

Jump to the noob forum, or technical, and answer some questions!

You will receive rep!

08-12-2008, 06:48 PM
*slaps forehead.