View Full Version : Bonnet fitting

10-12-2008, 11:52 PM
Hi guys,

unsure of how many people have fitted/ taken off their own and re fitted a/their bonnet,

but after doing mine ive foudn it very hard in terms of fitting it back exactally as it was with perfect spacing on the sides and such,

anyone can shed light on a 'way ' to do it?

i know sojme may assume its a simple bolt on bolt off, to put simply yes, but i beleive there are some other issues such as bolt order and things
please help out! i gotta get my bonnet back on properly!

11-12-2008, 12:11 AM
yeh spent a bit of time on this this afternoon, very unusal, it seems the bonnet sits almost too perfectly on one side, (e.g. 1 side has no gap, infac the bonnet is stuck to the fenders etc, like literally there isn't even a 2mm gap) and the other side sits 2 wide apart theres like 3 cm gap

11-12-2008, 12:29 AM
its difficult

do the bolts up so the bonnet is secure, but loose. just enough to move it around
and just play with it till its right

I heart the SSS
11-12-2008, 12:32 AM
If you have two people, it really helps.

Also adjusting the rubber stops on the inside of the bonnet can help with getting it to sit flush with the panels..

But yea as above, undo it slightly, fiddle, tighten. Also adjust the hindges, not just the bonnet (If needs be)

11-12-2008, 01:46 AM
you also need to adjust the latch, if the bonnet pulls to one side then loosen the latch and push it the opposite way it pulls to..if that made sense..

11-12-2008, 09:51 AM
if you didnt touch the latch, rubber stops/adjusters or the hinges to remove, then you shouldnt need to touch them when you reinstlal it

theres 2 bolts on each hinge that holds it to the bottom. lift up your bonnet, and loosen the bottom one.. and dont touch these till last.
the bolt at the top on each side should be used to adjust the bonnet.

first thing to look for is how close the bonnet is to the windscreen/fender area. in each corner, make sure the curve from the fender is even with the bonnet when its folded down. once you have the bonnet lined up vertically, then focus on the bonnet's spacing between in guard on the sides

as stated before, do it with 2 ppl
hope that helps mate

11-12-2008, 10:01 AM
but would it make a difference if he is changing bonnets? i had to move my latch when i swapped bonnets.

11-12-2008, 11:54 AM
on the latch, ive only detached the bolts connected to the bonnet, not the side attached to the body of the car, (if thats what ur asking me to do)
and no matter how i line it up, it just wont sit right!
i dont want to readjust the latch (as it doesnt make sense why i should? unless i really have to )

when the bonnet squatre thing is in the latch the rest of the bonnet isnt sitting right and cannot be adjusted right! i dont know why :(

as for the rubber things,
ive transfered all the rubber things under the bonnet ( 2 circular things, and the rubber strip at the very front ) to the same places with no prevail!

11-12-2008, 12:34 PM
oem or aftermarket? if it's aftermarket it might just be a crap fit

11-12-2008, 12:56 PM
i know,
but its OEM

11-12-2008, 04:14 PM
is it the same bonnet you started with or is it a replacement bonnet ?

you sohuldnt be touching the latches if its the same bonnet you had on before.. (both on the hood, and the car)

11-12-2008, 04:24 PM
its a differnt bonnet, obviously from the same car(model and make)

therefore replacement,