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View Full Version : 94 Accord, clutch

24-12-2008, 09:54 PM
Well just my luck, 1 day before Christmas my clutch plays up
What was happening was all of a sudden the sort of "stiff range" (not sure what exactly it is) on the pedal became a lot shorter. Now when I left to go out, the clutch pedal is pretty much just wont go in.
As far as I know this should just be a simple adjustment. But is it difficult if you don't have much knowledge of car tuning?
Also what could of caused this? i didn't have a stack or anything. However, i was stuck in epic bumper-to-bumper traffic today for about 30 minutes. could that cause it? (clutch in, clutch out, etc)
Cheers guys

Edit: I also had a look today under the clutch pedal, and it seems there is a bit of greyish-brownish thick fluid that has come leaking out of the firewall hole.
So is this like a cracked cylinder or something? How much $$$ am I looking for a repair?

Edit:edit: Merry Xmas all

26-12-2008, 10:45 AM
Sounds like a worn out clutch master cylinder,

if it was ok then after heaps of stop start driving,it would explain the fluid loss and potential jamming or damage to the cylinder.

as for costs, not to sure, a genuine honda clutch slave cylinder cost me ~ $90, so i imagine you wont go too broke if a new master cylinder is needed.

26-12-2008, 06:20 PM
Fixed it, It was running low on fluid and just get heaps of air stuck in there. The leak isn't gushing out, so I'll get that patched up next service.

04-01-2009, 01:16 AM
get it replaced

theres actually a recondition kit for them aswell

with new rubbers and prop valve, just clean and install into old housing