View Full Version : Buying a Car

09-01-2009, 01:14 PM
ok got a noobish quesion for u guys.

so what steps do i take when purchasing a car from a private seller?

like what sort of paper work do i fill out?

how should the payment be arranged?

thanks in advanced

09-01-2009, 03:49 PM
Just purchased my car recently. Only official paperwork is the rego transfer form. Which you'll have to collaborate with the seller to fill out. When completed, take this form to the RTA and pay the transfer fee.

The seller may choose to write an un-official statement or contract if you will (signed by both parties) stating that the buyer will assume all responsibilities of the vehicle, and that the seller is no longer liable for anything that happens with the vehicle.

Discuss the method of payment with the seller. Generally, they will give up the car immediately when you hand them a bank cheque. In my particular case, the seller wanted to wait for the bank cheque clear before handing over the car, which i thought was a bit sus (considering it's a bank cheque, it's as good as cash). So i took him to the nearest Commonwealth Bank and did the transfer over the counter.

09-01-2009, 07:21 PM
As above, I payed with a bank cheque plus a few hundred cash to allow for negotiation.

Be sure to check whether or not the car you're looking at is under finance, and if it is, have the cheque made out to the finance company for the outstanding figure. This stops the seller from cashing your cheque for other purposes resulting in their finance company reposessing the car from you, hence leaving you with a significantly lighter pocket.