View Full Version : hondata s300 ecu

Mr Rzz
20-01-2009, 06:55 AM
hey i want change ecu for dc2r later

i looking hondata s300

i saw some on ebay but they not in aust
i wondering r they same as 1 in Aust or different?

http://shop.ebay.com.au/items/__hondata_W0QQLHQ5fAvailToZ15QQ_armZ1QQ_armmZ63QQ_ fromfsbZQQ_ruuZhttpQ3aQ2fQ2fshopQ2eebayQ2ecomQ2eau Q2fitemsQ2fQ5fQ5fhondataQ5fW0Q51Q51Q5farrQ5A1Q51Q5 1Q5ffromfsbQ5AQ51Q51Q5ftrksidQ5Am270Q512el1313QQ_t rksidZm270Q2el1313

20-01-2009, 07:22 AM
The S300 units are all the same but you just need to make sure your ecu is compatible to accept one or you buy it fitted to the correct ecu to fit your vehicle and in your case obd2a or you can get a obd1 ecu and get a conversion loom from obd1 to obd2a.

Hope this helps. :thumbsup:

20-01-2009, 07:53 AM
There is new S300 'version 2' which comes with everything you need from hondata factory, its an OBII ECU to start with, ( usually you need to get OBI ecu and chip it with the s300 unit ) , comes with already integrated S300 and the conversion harness, its all 1 piece and literally plug and play. Cost as much or maybe slightly less as you sourcing a OBI ecu, S300, and conversion harness. Worked out cheaper for me. Just make sure you determine if your car is OBDIIa (which I think it is) Or OBDIIb

www.hondata.com - read up on it more there, then try find someone who can bring it in for you cheap

20-01-2009, 07:57 AM
There is new S300 'version 2' which comes with everything you need from hondata factory, its an OBII ECU to start with, ( usually you need to get OBI ecu and chip it with the s300 unit ) , comes with already integrated S300 and the conversion harness, its all 1 piece and literally plug and play. Cost as much or maybe slightly less as you sourcing a OBI ecu, S300, and conversion harness. Worked out cheaper for me. Just make sure you determine if your car is OBDIIa (which I think it is) Or OBDIIb

www.hondata.com (http://www.hondata.com) - read up on it more there, then try find someone who can bring it in for you cheap

I have to correct you on this.. they are not OBDII ECU's they are OBDI ECU's with the OBDI connectors removed and OBDIIa or OBDIIb ECU connectors added in, so yes your right they have onboard convertion harness but they are not OBDII ECU's.

20-01-2009, 08:02 AM
I stand corrected, I was simply going off what the stamped on the ecu said heres a pic anyway


20-01-2009, 08:19 AM
yeah I know what you mean

its just people out there are dead set you can chip OBDIIa ECU's beacuse Hondata do it and list it on there site, if you know what I mean, where what hondata have done is made a OBDI ECU into OBDII plug and play..

20-01-2009, 08:47 AM
Rzz - have a look at PFC, plug & play, and comes with a stock dcr2 base map for you & hand controller

20-01-2009, 09:27 AM
Yeah I understand what you're saying