View Full Version : S2000 price.

03-02-2009, 08:10 PM
hey guys/girls i have noticed allot of s2000 price tags have dropped talking about the original s2000 not the new one. As some are going for 26-30 a dc5r goes for that much can someone please explain as i thought s2000 were better then DC5R's(as my impression was s2000 where a upgrade from DC5R)? any suggestions or comments would be great cheers.

Type R Positive
03-02-2009, 08:28 PM
Those have high km's. Good ones still go for $40k+.

03-02-2009, 10:56 PM
Those have high km's. Good ones still go for $40k+.

you call 90k's high? lol

03-02-2009, 11:13 PM
the cheap ones you see arnt in that much of a condition you would want your s2000 to be in

Type R Positive
03-02-2009, 11:59 PM
you call 90k's high? lol
Well don't talk about it, buy it. lol!

04-02-2009, 10:23 AM
well i got mine for pretty cheap 2002 black 40000km $25k

04-02-2009, 12:01 PM
i checked out like 4 s2000 before i bought my euro and i can tell you that all of them have been thrashed and repainted and whatnot, Type-R is right, you have to spend 40k + to get something that will last you more than a few months :) anything under 30k for s2000 is sus, but it does happen that you might get a very good bargain..

Type S Tony
04-02-2009, 12:07 PM
The only reason I bought My Type S over an S2000 is because of insurance costs, maybe this is a big factor in why prices have droped so much. Also Stalin is correct, heaps of the ones i went and saw were thrashed to the absolute S**t, its even funnier when the owner wont let you test drive it cause he thinks your gonna trash his already thrashed car, go figure

Type R Positive
04-02-2009, 12:08 PM
The cheap ones seem to be '99 - '00 models. Getting on to 10 years old now.....

04-02-2009, 12:20 PM
Yeah i've checked them out too, pretty old models with high ks, can't even compare with DC5R.

DC5S's are a pretty good buy right now

04-02-2009, 12:44 PM
depends what you want dude, s2ks u gotta have pretty deep pockets if you want performance and for 25-30 k u can pick up a good s2k just gotta know exactly what to look at when your purchasing the car, and everyone sayings it been thrashed, DUDE, which one of you's dont thrash ur car seriously everyone does so if any1 tells me they dont LIESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!
if u dont thrash ur car and dont love the VTAK why buy a honda for
wells thats just my 2 cents
and for a type are you receive alot more for your money and you can pick up a great dc5r from 25-30k
the choice is whatever suits you best and also you wants and needs
just be sure to check the car repeatively before purchasing and dont rush into things.
arguments of what car is better, i would personally prefer the dc5r
better power, better response more comfort.
wells thats just my opinion

04-02-2009, 03:07 PM
well i got mine for pretty cheap 2002 black 40000km $25k


04-02-2009, 04:44 PM
well i got mine for pretty cheap 2002 black 40000km $25kwhich month did you buy in?

Type R Positive
04-02-2009, 04:52 PM
and for a type are you receive alot more for your money and you can pick up a great dc5r from 25-30k
the choice is whatever suits you best and also you wants and needs
He already got a DC5R :confused:

04-02-2009, 05:51 PM
i was thinking the same thing , with the money i spent on my dc5 i could of got a s2k if i put in an extra 5 grand or so , but as stated the ones under 40g are nearing 10 years , have high kms and in rough condition. so i stuck to the dc5 cause i found one with 26 thousand kms on it unmarked its not as flashy as a s2k but hey insurance wooda killed me on one

05-02-2009, 12:15 AM
how can you tell if the car has been thrashed? (i know about like wear and tear) but if ur inspecting a car, what lets you say to the owner, gimme a couple K off, fkn its been thrashed, look at this XXXXXX. :S:S ( i genuinely wanna know )

05-02-2009, 10:20 AM
all im saying is if I knew s2000 were selling for that much i would rather a convertible with a quicker engine over my car any day as s2000's are a quicker car and have a better engine then a DC5R hell if someone offered to trade me a s2000 for my DC5R i might actually say yes but comparing s2000 to DC5R its a totally different car, in respect that one is mad for the track. but yet the s2000's were a hell of allot more when they come out factory.

05-02-2009, 11:46 AM
Its not about whats cheaper or more expensive.. the reason why the DC5R prices haven't depreciated that much is because its a popular car and it sells.. cars which don't sell as much or don't sell as fast depreciate quicker to get more people to buy them, thats just how the market works.. perfect example of this is hachi's, you tell me how can a shit box of a car that was worth > 3k at some point now sell at almost 16k.. reason for it is, more people are buying it now.. something i call Takumi Tax.. in other words DC5R's are bought more than S2K's.. if your thinking about picking up an S2K color also adds a lot to the price tag.. red S2K's tend to be a lot cheaper.. and the indy yellow (which is probably one of my favourites) usually have a dearer price tag..

05-02-2009, 11:53 AM
how can you tell if the car has been thrashed? (i know about like wear and tear) but if ur inspecting a car, what lets you say to the owner, gimme a couple K off, fkn its been thrashed, look at this XXXXXX. :S:S ( i genuinely wanna know )

another way to find out whether the cars been thrashed:

Engine knocks
Check other the hood for any heat damage
Sometimes the car give of a strange smell (I know this coz i've bent the head on my lude and it smells like burnt oilly shit since)
Obviously check the tire threading

Structual damage such as rust/car not being straight/etc. you probably won't have to worry about as much coz the car is fairly recent.

06-02-2009, 07:57 AM
which month did you buy in?

3 months ago