View Full Version : Decisions.. Decisions.. What to do with 10k?

08-02-2009, 01:07 AM
help me out on this guys. i need your opinions. i have saved up 10k. 4 things come to my mind

1. get a b18 type r conversion to my ek1.
2. sell my ek and combine the money i get to buy an ep3.
3. keep my ek and use the money to deposit for a house.
4. travel and get perspective in life.

what are your suggestions that would benefit me the most? i was talking to Ben this arvo while we were at Hannys and he's convincing me to get an EP3! lol :zip:

08-02-2009, 01:15 AM
1. Nv believed in 2nd hand used import engines. You never know what was done to it and the added fact that most wreckers would not honor a warranty on a performance engine.

2. Consider insurance and other added costs (Seems to be the better option)

3. Yes, for future sake.. a house is an investment, a car is just a depreciating asset.

4. Honestly not very cost effective.. I would rather keep the cash for something else.. just like what gambate said.. invest in stock market.. Do some research and you would realise that many once expensive "QUALITY" shares can be bought at a bargain now.. But do not expect any short term gains nor returns.. If you are truly into the game, you might even want to keep it for long term..

08-02-2009, 01:18 AM
haha thanks for the reply very informative.. what's your take on number 4?

08-02-2009, 01:44 AM
for no.3 i suggest put it in share market and forget about it. come back for the fruits 10 years later..or whenever interest rate go past 5% again..

08-02-2009, 01:45 AM
I'd consider number 4

travel around Europe..

08-02-2009, 07:11 AM
House house house imo.

Im starting to want to save for a house and im only 17.

08-02-2009, 07:37 AM
Aris where were you thinking of travelling too?

EP3's are nice but you realise you can potentially go K for 10k :p

Deposit on house (IMO) would be the best thing to do.

08-02-2009, 09:39 AM
house.. its the only thing that will make you money. with the way the world is a trip to europe will be too exy, the ep3 will depritiate over time and.. or there is one other option

5. give it to me...

08-02-2009, 11:02 AM
Aris where were you thinking of travelling too?

EP3's are nice but you realise you can potentially go K for 10k :p

Deposit on house (IMO) would be the best thing to do.

haha anywhere Lloyd. maybe Japan as I havent been there yet. even Rob from Hannys told me to go there so I would realize that modding cars is just a waste of money! lol

nah a k already cost 10k! labour, hassles and headaches arent included.

yeah house seems to be the good option.

08-02-2009, 11:17 AM
agree..option 3 seems to be best, something you wont regret in the future.

08-02-2009, 11:21 AM
Japan or the House Aris.

I'd go the House (Japan will be there tomorrow)

besides we can crash your house for Monthly BBQ's :p

08-02-2009, 11:39 AM
Problem about Japan though, is when you go there you're hooked.

I went in December and already missing it. Definitely an experience, but travelling will become addictive.

08-02-2009, 03:26 PM
3 and 4

08-02-2009, 03:46 PM
help me out on this guys. i need your opinions. i have saved up 10k. 4 things come to my mind

1. get a b18 type r conversion to my ek1.
2. sell my ek and combine the money i get to buy an ep3.
3. keep my ek and use the money to deposit for a house.
4. travel and get perspective in life.

what are your suggestions that would benefit me the most? i was talking to Ben this arvo while we were at Hannys and he's convincing me to get an EP3! lol :zip:

i did 3 and 4 with my money :D well worth it

travelling is very addictive
plus look on the bright side, money made from property can probably buy you 10 EP3's lol

08-02-2009, 03:54 PM
Buy a house or even a apartment, rent it out and pay it off as soon as you can, there is lots of time left to go and travel and buy import cars. Get some sort of decent asset behind your name! Oh and doe lots of research!!

Good luck with your choice!

08-02-2009, 03:55 PM
1. get a b18 type r conversion to my ek1.
2. sell my ek and combine the money i get to buy an ep3.
3. keep my ek and use the money to deposit for a house.
4. travel and get perspective in life.
5. Give it to me

08-02-2009, 04:23 PM

There's no choice.

08-02-2009, 04:24 PM
lol what do u mean by no choice? tell me the truth Brett! :D

08-02-2009, 04:48 PM
haha! :)

What you will gain personnally from Travelling is uncompareable to anything.It's priceless.

Many will be happy with a b series conversion and continue doing what they are doing but since you asked about travel,I am telling you it's an experience that is a must if one can.It will change your life.But go to a few countries and take a few months to a year.

The fact that you asked shows you are curious,this curiousity won't be satisfied until you go.Go.

It makes you appreciate EVERYTHING sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much.

08-02-2009, 07:18 PM
i went america for a month, went with my bro but i travelled LA and new york by myself (my bro nd me did our own thing) and i tell you what i'd do it again

going greece this year :)

08-02-2009, 07:41 PM
Travel is what you make it.

08-02-2009, 08:01 PM
no shit?

08-02-2009, 08:25 PM

As everyone's said, it doesn't depreciate, in fact it'll only become worth more over time.

But like others have suggested, long term investment would be good right now, especially in shares. The economy is low, everyone's selling their shares for dirt prices to try and get themselves out of trouble, buy as many as you can and sit tight for 5 years or so. :D

08-02-2009, 08:33 PM
no shit?

No Shit :D

Let me explain.

I've been to places in Asia and just complained,it's not exactly like here ya know....
Now,I've been backed to those places and had a great time.
It's how you interpret it,but the most joy and personnel gain comes from working through those hard times and sticking around to see the beauty within it.
You don't gain anything from running away to your playstations 3's and plasma televisions.Feel me?

08-02-2009, 08:37 PM
yeah it's the meaning you give to an event or situation that matters most.

08-02-2009, 09:30 PM

Travelling will test you in this area.If you are prepared for that,then you you are ready to travel.

If you are likely to get the shit's at being hassled to buy crap,frustrated from the heat,angry at having to wait 4 hrs 'for the next bus' etc etc and are not open to change then I would think twice about putting all those dollars into Travel.You would be better off buying an engine.

Travelling will do wonders for you.

08-02-2009, 09:51 PM
I would go for house .. invest in property.

08-02-2009, 10:49 PM
option 1 :P

08-02-2009, 11:06 PM
In the current market 'Cash is King', hold onto your dosh and invest it.

Get into something that will appreciate over time.

09-02-2009, 09:18 AM
do 3, if you want to eventually see a pretty good return.

do you have this 10 k or is it a loan.
never use loan money for a depreciating item. you will regret

10-02-2009, 06:02 PM
not a loan. i've saved it up because i wanted to have a b18cr or b16b.. but now looks like i will be putting it into good use.

10-02-2009, 07:49 PM
be smart buy a house............ i did not one regret!

no longer tossing up bout what colour bennen tow hook or other accessory its whether 40 inch or 50 inch plasma for the lounge room......... leaning towards a 40" 1080p hd 100hz ultra high contrast one at the moment........ smaller but better quality.

grow be a man and do it. as said investing in something that only depreciates is silly.

11-02-2009, 12:25 AM
stay away from 2nd hand imported engines friend... Even with a "low" genuine milleage, there is no guarantee that no nonsense was done to it b4.. (think NOS, turbo, redlining all the time)... 10K spent on that is NOT worth it ..

11-02-2009, 06:11 AM
i think you should do what makes you happy.
everyones given you a opinion, what to do but end of the day, choice is yours.

22-02-2009, 08:24 PM
turbo your d series

23-02-2009, 11:16 AM
definately a house, once you hav a house thats when you can travel and etc
house is the best investment, dont get into the stockmarket, i think its just a waste of money its like gambling with your money
you can wake up one day and that 10k can turn in 1k
if your lucky ur 10 k can turn in 15 k
my 2 cents stock market is a no no

23-02-2009, 11:31 AM
Investing in the stock market atm is suicide.

23-02-2009, 11:46 AM
1. get a b18 type r conversion to my ek1. = new parts for the swap in my mind are rediculously expensive atm, very bad time to consider it unless you could find them at reasonable costs
2. sell my ek and combine the money i get to buy an ep3. = great lil cars, heaps of fun, why not if you can afford it :D
3. keep my ek and use the money to deposit for a house. = an idea, but I like renting personally, especially with the way shiz in the world is going atm, one less expense I'm thankful not to have, a house loan...
4. travel and get perspective in life = worthwhile option if your single, have no uni commitments, etc :D

23-02-2009, 12:06 PM
house gets my vote..

if you travel do not go to japan unless u take a couple of extra suitcases for all the JDM parts you will be so tempted into bringing home :) pretty sure they are veryyy cheap over there

23-02-2009, 12:27 PM
go on a holiday to cancoon and take lots of pics and add to boob thread :P

i wuldnt spend it on a car, save up 50 then buy a hektik sports car :P

but yea seriously i'd travel, its so much fun and soo worth it!!

23-02-2009, 12:48 PM
Yes yes TRAVEL!

23-02-2009, 12:52 PM
haha yes i do travel at least once a year. i'm actually going to canada on May. but i guess i need to go to more exotic places.

Type S Tony
23-02-2009, 12:53 PM
Blow it all on cocaine & have a wild party!

23-02-2009, 12:58 PM
haha yes i do travel at least once a year. i'm actually going to canada on May. but i guess i need to go to more exotic places.

Oh well,if that's the case....

How about doing a drive in drive out deal for a b18c conversion with one of our magnificent traders on here.No Fuss,no hassle,drive in slow,drive out FAST :thumbsup:

23-02-2009, 12:59 PM
Putting it into the stock market isn't suicide at the moment. It depends on your goals. If you are looking at investing long term and have the balls to ride this through your could make some very good money. If you are doing it in the short term, yes it is suicide.

I'd put $5000 into a managed fund or index etf and put the other $5000 towards travel/rebuilt motor. Then put a little into the managed fund/etf each month, reinvest your dividends and after 10 years you'll have a nice amount sitting there.

As you can probably tell I study Finance :p

23-02-2009, 01:24 PM
Putting it into the stock market isn't suicide at the moment. It depends on your goals. If you are looking at investing long term and have the balls to ride this through your could make some very good money. If you are doing it in the short term, yes it is suicide.

I'd put $5000 into a managed fund or index etf and put the other $5000 towards travel/rebuilt motor. Then put a little into the managed fund/etf each month, reinvest your dividends and after 10 years you'll have a nice amount sitting there.

As you can probably tell I study Finance :p

I gain my knowledge through Truth seeking,spiritual means,anyways have a read of This. (http://xeeatwelve.com/articles/Crashing_Finances.html) you MAY be able to use it.

23-02-2009, 02:03 PM
Oh well,if that's the case....

How about doing a drive in drive out deal for a b18c conversion with one of our magnificent traders on here.No Fuss,no hassle,drive in slow,drive out FAST :thumbsup:

may i ask who is that magnificent trader?:D

23-02-2009, 02:07 PM
PM'ed! :)

23-02-2009, 03:41 PM
I gain my knowledge through Truth seeking,spiritual means,anyways have a read of This. (http://xeeatwelve.com/articles/Crashing_Finances.html) you MAY be able to use it.

Haha that was an entertaining read! Does this guy have any form of credibility what-so-ever? Let me guess...you also believe other conspiracy theories such as the world trade centre one and that we didn't actually land on the moon?

I don't mean to be rude but if you believe what this bloke says "Drought has been artificially induced in parts of Australia by alien beings" you must be a wack job.

Good luck with your cult buddy, hope it works out for you :confused:

Sorry to deviate from the thread guys.

23-02-2009, 04:08 PM
Your Welcome.

23-02-2009, 05:35 PM
1. get a b18 type r conversion to my ek1.
- great and all but i get the impression you dont normally get 10g's so easily/ and be able to splurge it on such an item so i suggest against this,
why? sure, your cars going to go faster, sure, your going to feel super cool when ur being a hoon possibly, or even make a nice circuit time, but really these are all things ull get tired of or atleast the kick will die down!

2. sell my ek and combine the money i get to buy an ep3.
probably if u feel u need a new car but judging buy number 1, u dont need a new car, just an excuse to get a ep3! cool car! but still, just a car
3. keep my ek and use the money to deposit for a house.
put a deposit on a house!!!!!!!!
4. travel and get perspective in life.
i personally would choose travel,
car is something ull eventually sell and probably buy an accord euro stock and be in auto with ur kids one day, but traveling will open your mind and ull gain a much bettter understanding of life and experiences, sights, smells, and understandings that youll know or have had experienced and understood until you die