View Full Version : Steel Mate Alarm Configuration

18-02-2009, 02:31 PM
Hey All,

Hope this is placed in the right section.

I'm wondering if anyone has used/setup a Steel Mate alarm before.
The unit (Which I believe is 886G) was installed in my car by the previous owner.
The car was off the road for 3 months and now appears to have reset a bunch of settings to default.

The handheld/receiver language is currently in Chinese (So my first question would be is anyone knows how to change the language to english!?)

Secondly, when the car is switched off, the alarm/siren 'says' something in chinese instead of the usual "woop woop" noise.

If anyone is aware of a manual online somewhere (Searching for quite a while didn't return much) or if anyone has one/is able to help I would appreciate it!