View Full Version : RPMs cut out

23-02-2009, 03:30 PM

Just wondering if you gys could help me with a problem with my 94 Integra V-TIR. Everything is stock.

Sometimes when I start the car, the car will try to idle but will stutter and cut out even if I am revving it out. I will try it a few more times and it wont start.. then after a minute or so it will start then I can drive. But for the next 10-15 mins, the RPMs sometimes will just cut out (while I am driving it) for a split second and the car will jerk fwd a little (like what happens when it stalls) and then it will be ok. I

Is this an air flow problem or something? Any tests I can do to see what the issue is? And how do I fix it?

Thanks in advance,