View Full Version : accessing the powerboard/box/supply of CU2

02-03-2009, 12:23 AM
hi guys, ive decided to add some interior neon/accenting to my car via LEDs and/or El wire. but i want to source the power from the car battery.

i know that you can tap the power from the cables that run into the car, like the ciggarrette lighter. or some of the cables for LEds and El wire come with plugs which u can plug into the power board/box thingy of the car.

however i dunno how to locate all these things, or open up the inteiror correctly to access them.

does anyone have a clue?

i made a more detailed post in the technical thread explaining what i wanna do

but i thought id post here since euro owners might know how to access the power supply better.

thanks guys

02-03-2009, 02:36 PM
ok i found the fusebox of the car
its in the foot area of the front passenger seat, near the door

i pulled it open and it has all these labels and cables and ports i assume for plugs.

would i be able to plug anything in and draw power from it if i had the correct plugs?
similarly i found the ECU apparently on the driver side.

02-03-2009, 03:04 PM
the first question should actually be, do you know how to use a multimeter? because if you don't, then it would be best to speak to someone about it, and have someone to show it to you in person.

this is more of a safety thing (i.e. do it right else risk injury/death/fire/etc.). last thing we want is something else to happen to your car, or worse, to yourself!

02-03-2009, 11:45 PM
you mean the device that lets u detect if a wire is live or not? and check the current/voltage that is passing thru it?

dw i have an uncle whos an electrician and a mechanic friend. i was planning to get them to help . i just wanna do most of it and learn myself

*edit* in case anyone is wondering why i dont just ask them if i get stuck.
they are also very Old fashioned, and dont like the whole idea of interior neon, so kinda unwilling to help.
i asked my uncle to help me and he goes. "oh just hook it up to the 12v battery or lighter"
i was like, yeh tell me something i cant google