View Full Version : water leaking from my boot, DC4

04-05-2009, 11:50 PM
Hey guys i have a major water leakage from my boot, if u guys own a dc2 u'll notice theres a air vent on the left hand side if u take away the rear plastic thing from the boot, its leaking around it, now i have sourced a air vent for it, any of yous know any shop that i can get it on for cheap? cas there are shit moulded around my current air vent and it is impossible for me to take it off, im located in sydney, would be very appreciate if u guys have any suggestions

05-05-2009, 03:48 PM
duct tape for the meantime

05-05-2009, 04:10 PM
take it to a panel beater see if he can fix it sounds like it has been in an accident and body isnt staright

06-05-2009, 12:59 PM
jeffrymui: post a picture up and i'll give you a rep point for it.... been trying to find the leak in my mrs DC4 for ages and this mite be it, just not my car for me to check or know what your talking about

06-05-2009, 05:18 PM
was urs at the boot? i'll take a pic tonight later on, probably previous owner had a little smash on the boot and wasnt fixed properly...any of u know any cheap panel beaters around ryde?

06-05-2009, 10:54 PM
yeh my mum got sams pro in her car been smashed at the back need to take it to a good panel beater not a cheap one

06-05-2009, 11:10 PM
how did you notice this? did you find a massive puddle under your rear seat?

07-05-2009, 09:17 AM
yeh there wasa puddle next to the spare tyre.

07-05-2009, 11:05 PM
yeah massive water under my seat, boot and under the carpet aswell
fkn annoying shit...any idea how much it'll cost?

07-05-2009, 11:24 PM
Still havnt fixed this Jeff, think you really need to seek some decent advice, last time we met you were taking to it with the caulking gun wernt you, didnt do the trick?

Im not that familiar with the dc's but i dont see how that much water can come up from that vent, sure your boot seal isnt the problem?

07-05-2009, 11:34 PM
now its getting better cas i found out there was a rubber tube that MEANT to be sticking to a hole near the vent, now its just the vent, boot seal everything was fine....just that vent is pissing me off and i got a vent already...any cool panel beater shop nearby u know Leo? please pm me :)

08-05-2009, 12:12 AM
could be from ur antenna?

because when i riped out mystock antenna back then there was like a little hose.. might be it? so check it out

08-05-2009, 01:45 AM
i had this problem in both my dc2/4 but i took out the rear seats and dried it all up and it never came back. even after a couple of weeks of heavy rain i never got any leaks inside the car. i though it was really strange but its been a couple of months now and still no more hassles. makes me wonder how the previous owner treated this car :thumbdwn:

08-05-2009, 02:46 PM
i checked the antenna aswell, every plastic hose are plugged properly, but i can see water leaking around the vent, probably take it to a panel beater and hope it'll be fine from there, yeah hotdc2, makes me wonder aswell!!!!!

11-05-2009, 02:37 AM
sorry but i wouldnt take it to any panelbeaters around ryde
unless your gettin insurance to pay (they all charge around 3 x what most others charge) i know someone in blacktown that does decent work for cheap

also dont think it was a 'little' accident
from memory your boot didnt look right
im pretty sure ive met u and saw the boot of your car