View Full Version : Accord rear bumper coloring

15-06-2009, 09:19 PM

Our Accord recently got its rear bumper resprayed. However we never noticed if this bottom section was the same color as the body, we always thought it was a darker grey maybe even black. Don't think it ever stuck out so much before. Are there any other owners of this model Accord who can tell me if your rear bumper is the same or is it a darker shade/black?

16-06-2009, 07:08 PM

16-06-2009, 10:33 PM
it's not really clear from the picture - it looks like it might simply be the lighting. which particular part looks darker than the other?

try taking a picture from a better angle (lower and closer) and use a wide angled light so everything is illuminated equally so the contrast is clearer. you'll probably get more helpful responses then. it's hard to see anything with the current pic!

17-06-2009, 06:56 AM
The two "flaps" with the gap in the middle is what I am pointing to.