View Full Version : B16a gearbox code no. A1???

21-06-2009, 12:13 AM
Hi, i have a b16a motor with an A1 gearbox, i've serched high and low for info about this box but no body knows anything about it!:(
Does anyone know what this box came of/from? and gear ratio? thanks

21-06-2009, 07:35 AM
is it a cable or rod type?
i have something at home.

a1 came out in late egs and some dcs. Its a japspec, we didn't get them i beleive at the time, we only got the b16a2 which came out in the ek4s & em1s. Some were cable some were rod

what info are you after? i have some ratios of the boxes but that's about it

21-06-2009, 02:27 PM
First google result for "honda tranny specs" (http://hondaswap.com/reference-materials/honda-transmission-specs-29132/)
Long gears, bet your n/a b16a feels slow with it.