View Full Version : Why my clutch fluid keeps going black?

13-07-2009, 10:43 AM

i've used a syringe to suck out the clutch fluid and kept putting clean yellow honda brake/clutch fluid in just the reservoir, but it went black everytime and I've done it about 5 times.

Do i need to get the system flushed?? What's the reason it's going black? My clutch seems to be fine besides vibration on deceleration via the pedal and seems like rear vibrating too and this is the clutch buzz if i'm correct?


13-07-2009, 11:28 AM
You need to bleed it out. Replace the clutch fluid in the resevoir using the syringe like you did, and then bleed out of the slave cylinder nipple by putting a length of clear tubing on it. Keep pumping the clutch pedal until the fluid coming out is clear. Remember to keep topping up the resevoir.

15-07-2009, 12:14 AM
rokku does it cause your clutch to sometimes harden up? and randomly lossen itself again?

15-07-2009, 12:37 AM
rokku does it cause your clutch to sometimes harden up? and randomly lossen itself again?

Ummm nope, it feels normal. But you seem to be describing my brakes though :P