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09-11-2004, 12:35 AM
Just wanted to share bit of my experience when i'm in P.I. long long time ago and i can still remember how i push my car there while it's still stock..haha...

Main straight reached around 210km/h and reaching to the 1st right corner, turning in around 180km/h
hitting the brake hard and drop to 3rd gear, an unbelievable 120-130km/h, cornered into the left at center line and exiting by hitting bits of the inner apex while the tail of my car slide outwards and counter steer it and flooring the accelerator.
Reaching a slight left hand turn around 180km/h, and there you go, (Honda corner) a U-turn Shape Corner to the right where it can turn at the speed around 70km/h ++...
After exiting that, another similar U-turn shape corner but slightly uphill (reached the corner around 130km/h) Slam the break to around 90km/h and accelerate (some people even use left hand breaking to balance their way in that corner)...and floor it all the way until you reach 190km/h (Siberia Corner-Facing the sea)...without thinking much on 4th gear, banging into the corner at 160-170km/h (if you have the guts) Upslope and down, and Jam your freaking break (this corner is tricky because you really need a damn good break to make it down from 160 to around 70km/h) and turning to the right and continue flooring it all the way to the next left hand corner...while arriving to the last corner, choose your line properly, (i prefered abit left to the center of the trac while entering the corner around 170km/h???...) yes...a good low 2 mins track time...but too bad...i'm using the Re 010 and std suspension...alot of the move is true but just the brake fail me alot..ahahaha...i wish i had the money to get some good semi's....and N1 suspension...haih....if i only can do 1:58....haih....

ehhh...i don't know what i'm talkint about leh....hahahha...

09-11-2004, 04:23 PM
low 2 minute sounds good on those tyres. What car?
My best is only 2:09 with RE711 and stock suspension :(
I am hoping to get at least a 2:05 this Saturday with semi slicks.

09-11-2004, 04:29 PM
cant wait to see some good R times VTML, break that 2:05 mate!

EKslut took his ek4 to 2:02 or was it to 2:03 with suspension and chassis mods. Ask him what tyres his running!

11-11-2004, 07:31 PM
porn....i need good setup...help...

13-11-2004, 06:58 PM
OK, just got back from PI today. I did 2:07 with bugger all brake pads left and semi slicks. I guess the semi slicks did all the hard work for me because I still managed to cut another 2 seconds.
Can't wait till I go back again with good brakes, and Project Mu brake lines installed with DOT 5.1 fluid.