View Full Version : Epa / decc

27-07-2009, 01:41 PM
Hey guys,

got issued a letter from the EPA saying that someone has reported my car for being to noisy.

Anyways i need to go to a DECC authorised place to get my car test.

Has anyone gone thru this process?

i think im screwed as i have a pod filter, hondata and zorst, which i think will affect me.


27-07-2009, 06:49 PM
You are willing going to go and waste your time and money all because of a report ?

Man, ask for evidence that your car is noisy, they cant just call u in at any time.

Get legal advice, start reading up about it.

27-07-2009, 06:52 PM
yhe man, they are like king law for cars.. in other words "the are modified car Nazi's"
best bet is to put a standard box and filter in it if possible. or make a custom box for your pod so its not visible. with some thin sheets of metal, nuts and screws shouldn't take you too long to do. as for comp they wont know so all good, but for the zorst... its a different story man.. you can only be a maximum of 90db, or was it 95db can remember. so try get your self a stock exhaust or if you have canon, and you have silencer, put some steel wool in the cannon and put the silencer on... thats how we got passed... good luck man

27-07-2009, 07:03 PM
You've been owned, good game.

Any and all modifications to the car will affect the cars noise/emissions which will be tested by the EPA, I have spoken to many-a Person who has gone through this process, some have stated that they have been checked for mods and despite meeting the XXdb level they got done for there mods, some have said its fine, some (who have gone to two tests) have had to go back to stock after the initial test to pass.

My gathering, Go back to stock, do the EPA test, pass, put mods back in, go from there (certify or not)

27-07-2009, 11:08 PM
thanks guys for your input

have read a previous post about DECC shiet
and yeh will have to go stock, which is a fkn bummer!!

28-07-2009, 11:39 PM
anyone can dob anyone in, give me your rego time date and location and ill send them an enquiry they will report you in its easy as that

30-07-2009, 11:15 AM
The DECC checks are soooo stringent... the only 2 workshops that can do it will not let you go for anything... i spent almost $1k just to put my system back to stock and even with an ITR muffler i was getting 93dB because it 'farts' on throttle back off:

here is what they test for:

it's not like getting a yellow sticker and you get some dodgy ****er mech to clear it... this is strict as hell.

my advice is to spend $100 to get a mid-muffler installed... this will take off anywhere from 6dB-12dB depending on exhaust setup.... and DO NOT confuse a mid-muffler for a resonator.. their not the same thing... no amount or size of resonators will reduce actual decibels.

Oh and try the campbelltown DECC centre first before Auburn.. i went to the Auburn one and he hates jap cars with a passion.... took me 5 times before i passed and you pay $67.50 everytime you go for a test.. he let me go for free on the 4th one though because it was 93dB so just got it fixed and passed on 5th go.

EVERYTHING must be stock

30-07-2009, 11:17 AM
anyone can dob anyone in, give me your rego time date and location and ill send them an enquiry they will report you in its easy as that

thats true...

3x from different civilians
1x from any government or council worker