View Full Version : Getting nail glue off recaro seats?

23-09-2009, 08:40 AM
Hey does anyone have any recommendations to getting nail glue off recaro seats?

gf was doin her nails in the car while i was driving n dropped some glue on my seat.... =(

23-09-2009, 09:15 AM
nail polish remover
metho spirts (a little bit)
sum sort of thinner

theres prob others.

23-09-2009, 09:31 AM
yeh, use something with alcohol in it or even lemon juice. im assuming you have the red recaros that come stock with ep3. just be careful of the colour coming out too. maybe even try a proper car product, like meguirs interior trim cleaner first. no more nail fixing in the ep for you lady! :)

23-09-2009, 09:56 AM
you wont be able to remove it without damaging the recaro seat. the area around your fabric will discolour if u use any agents that are strong enough to remove the glue..

so try and weigh up the options. what looks better.. the nail glue, or a faded section on the recaro..

there is a way you can prevent it from happening in the future: get a new gf lol

23-09-2009, 04:40 PM
If it's a glob that sticks out of the seat use a bit of fine wet/dry sandpaper to rub it down to the fabric. The remaining glue should wear out over time. As long as you didn't rub it in when she dropped it on there in the first place