View Full Version : Magnetic P's Plate - Problem?

22-10-2009, 07:30 PM
It was 32 degrees the other day, I couldn't take off my magnetic P's plate. It was stuck on my hood. I managed to pull some out, but some just stayed on like specks of it. I tried washing my car, didn't come off. How can I remove this? I dunno if I damaged the paint on my car or it's just the magnetic thing glaring on my car or it actually chipped paint.

Can these things damage the paint? If so, is there anyway to fix it up? If it did damage my paint I can't touch it up since it just a small speck of paint f#cked up. So what can I do?

22-10-2009, 07:40 PM
Yes it can damage the paint in 2 ways. First is when you drive the plate actually vibrates a little against the paint. So when you take it off, you will find a lot of swirls. Second is because the magnetic plate is still made of vinyl, it melts and sticks to the paint when the sun is hot.

22-10-2009, 07:42 PM
Damn it, that's crap

How can I take some off the magnetic part that is stuck on my hood off still? I tried washing my car, no help :(

Also what should I do to fix the stuffed up paint? Anything I can do to fix it?

22-10-2009, 07:54 PM
just use polish and it will go away has happened to me before

22-10-2009, 09:05 PM
just use polish and it will go away has happened to me before

Polish as in clay bar? How about the faded paint that the magnetic has caused? If I use scratch X or something will it be better? But I'm not sure if it's faded paint or could it just be the magnetic. LOL

22-10-2009, 09:49 PM
Polish as in clay bar? How about the faded paint that the magnetic has caused? If I use scratch X or something will it be better? But I'm not sure if it's faded paint or could it just be the magnetic. LOL

Try scratch X first to get the stuck part off. The faded part just has heaps of scratches. Not sure if you can fix that by hand, but it shouldn't be a problem for a machine.

22-10-2009, 10:03 PM
can you post pics of it? i had tar stuck on my bonnet and it wouldn't come off, so as a last resort i used my old lady's nail polish remover (isotone), turns out it came off really easy. After that i used soap to wash over the area. But try the above first, then try my way.

27-10-2009, 05:19 PM
i heard that they can cause surface rust

28-10-2009, 08:33 AM
On bare metal, yes it would do it, however you're not using isotone on bare metal, hence using soapy water to clean the stuff off after everything is done.

28-10-2009, 05:37 PM
On bare metal, yes it would do it, however you're not using isotone on bare metal, hence using soapy water to clean the stuff off after everything is done.

Acetone does not cause rust. Bare metal will rust with or without acetone.

Acetone can dissolve paint if you leave it on for too long. So once you get the plate off, wash with a lot of water. I would prefer to park in the sun for a few hours and then try to take the plate off.

28-10-2009, 06:12 PM
My bad, forgot I used it to remove brushed on paint that I my lady painted onto her car, does wonders, but yeah as I said that's last resort if the OP can't find any other options