View Full Version : FD aftermarket fog light set up

02-11-2009, 08:39 PM
hey guys

i was just curious to know if anyone has after market foggies fitted to their civic - the ones with the button next to steering wheel not the stalk?

also are there any instructions availible for these kits as they dont come with any?

i wanna give it a go myself, just for some experience but if you guys say its too hard ill forget bout it and get it fitted professionally

any help is much appreciated

02-11-2009, 08:44 PM
i rkn it'd be a tad hard if u've never taken ur car to bits before... I do want a set as well though.

02-11-2009, 09:04 PM
well i think they are a good idea coz u can get a set delived for 150 or go through honda and pay 450

the product better be three times better to be three times the price

im not really bothered having a button, its a useless space there anyway

my model has a gap there, might as well fill it

i know some have the VSA button but mine doesnt

any help is much appreciated again guys

02-11-2009, 10:38 PM
well i think they are a good idea coz u can get a set delived for 150 or go through honda and pay 450

the product better be three times better to be three times the price


in what way the aftermarket foggies are better than Honda ones beside cheaper?

03-11-2009, 01:07 AM
in what way the aftermarket foggies are better than Honda ones beside cheaper?

i dont think they're better. but they're about the same. certainly not worse

markcivicvti and i both went diy with our foglights. the installation and fitting everyting was not hard at all.. except the only thing that went wrong was the wiring. we both happened to run into the same problem. something to do with the fusebox...

here's mark thread about the issue.


anyway, i got mine fixed by an electrical mechanic for about $45, but mark managed to get his working by himself... they both run fine and use a switch, not the stalk. ive had mine working now for about 6 months and there hasnt been any problems.

edit: these were both done on the the prefacelift civics. im not sure if the 09 FDs are any different.

03-11-2009, 07:00 PM
in what way the aftermarket foggies are better than Honda ones beside cheaper?

sorry mate i think u misinterpreted what i was saying

i meant that for 450 as opposed to 150 the genuine honda item needs to be three times better as it is three times the price

i wasnt trying to suggest that the cheaper ones are better

just that the more expensive ones (genuine) should in theory be 3 times better as they are three times the price

i dont see $300 worth of value in a stalk mate, the button functions just as well as a stalk imo

hope that clears the misunderstanding

03-11-2009, 07:05 PM
thanks heaps for that aero

just the help i was looking for

im gonna buy a set and give it a go

worst comes to worst take it 2 an auto elec to fix my mistake lol

i was just wondering what brand u bought

the ones i have coming are DLAA brand, ill post up some pics of the harness and maybe u guys can tell me if its different to urs and maybe we can get a DIY going for others to go by aswell

tell us what u think

04-11-2009, 02:17 AM
I've been wanting to do this for a while too, but don't wanna risk my warranty.

Are you buying off ebay?

04-11-2009, 03:13 AM
i bought my set off ebay. they came with installation instructions as well (dont know where it is anymore).

04-11-2009, 07:39 AM
I've been wanting to do this for a while too, but don't wanna risk my warranty.

Are you buying off ebay?

yes i am buying off ebay, i live in melbourne and the place im buying them from is in melbourne as well so im arranging a pick up rather than post

when i get the kit ill take photos

04-11-2009, 07:40 AM
i bought my set off ebay. they came with installation instructions as well (dont know where it is anymore).

it would be a huge help to get instructions if possible, coz the kit that i want to purchase doesnt have one

04-11-2009, 08:44 PM
well gl with install - write a actually, take LOTS OF photos, and maybe even write a DIY if you can - LOTS of rep goes to you if you can explain it to a noob...