View Full Version : DIY paint interior

20-11-2009, 06:04 PM
Hey i was looking to just colour a few things on my da9 but what do i need.

I was mainly looking to spray the bit of leather on the arm rest of the door trim to red, i got the colour but im curious if i shuold just paint over or is there a more.. proper less bodgy way lol.

I don't wanna go paying $1000 for a full interior and shit lol id rather do it myself.

Anyone let me know please, if it can be painted just tell me what kind of paint and where to get it (p.s. im in sydney)

22-11-2009, 01:21 AM
just get some spray paint (cheaper the better) and paint the leather and any other trim/cloth surfaces you want! its how all the pro shops do it anyway!!....

ps- im being sarcastic, you dont use paint for that kinda stuff, you use vynl dye... have fun ruining your car :)

22-11-2009, 10:37 PM
its a DA9 old .. car who cares lol

so Viynl dye **** doesnt sound simple as paint lol thanks.

22-11-2009, 11:29 PM
vinyl paint..lol thats all you need. Whats wrong with painting it?
you can paint it=S

23-11-2009, 10:01 AM
when the paint starts flaking all over, then it will be gold

23-11-2009, 10:28 AM
not if you use vinyl paint, thats if you use normal paint

23-11-2009, 10:31 AM
not if you use vinyl paint, thats if you use normal paint

did you have any experience in using vinyl paint?
sun in australia is very harsh, i dont know if i should paint my panels. hmm

26-11-2009, 09:09 PM
Its not paint. Its dye. It usually soaks into vinyl and leather. Where paint sits on to.

05-12-2009, 02:20 PM
Just don't do it.

Painted interiors is soooo 2001. It's gone out of fashion a long time ago and looks positively gay.

05-12-2009, 02:55 PM
just use a can of vinyl plastic paint, get them from supercheap and stores like that

05-12-2009, 05:53 PM
Just don't do it.

Painted interiors is soooo 2001. It's gone out of fashion a long time ago and looks positively gay.

eh.. i only got the car this year lol so yeh.. im 18 buddy

just use a can of vinyl plastic paint, get them from supercheap and stores like that

i have a friend who used that but it like died out over the weekend.. but he doesnt have any tint .. could that be why.. coz like no sun protection??

flamethrow the interior

are u fukd?

05-12-2009, 08:34 PM
Each to their own, if you have nothing nice to advice on, don't post.

Keep it nice boys.....

I'm only going to say this once.....

06-12-2009, 01:17 AM
paint bomb?

06-12-2009, 03:45 PM
eh.. i only got the car this year lol so yeh.. im 18 buddy

Just because you're only 18 doesn't mean you have grown any common sense.

But if you really, really, really, really want to do it, vinyl dye in a spray can is the way to go. But beware, the non-black colours don't like sun exposure very much and will fade, leaving you with an uglier mess that before.

06-12-2009, 05:52 PM
dinorider i have a question.. lets say yes after i do it ****s up .. can i just go matte black over it ? would it work ? or am i totally ****ed... like to the point where i need new interior?

06-12-2009, 08:17 PM
This could be an interesting thread. I'm sure theres a few people who wouldnt mind there EG's interior switched over to black from grey, but yet thanks to most replies on Ozhonda theres no real information in this thread.

honda-tech has your answers. The yanks have been respraying there Tan interiors black for years.

06-12-2009, 08:17 PM
dinorider i have a question.. lets say yes after i do it ****s up .. can i just go matte black over it ? would it work ? or am i totally ****ed... like to the point where i need new interior?
im not dinorider, but from my view is ur pretty much fukd.. lol IF you do paint it over, you will see marks or cracks from previous paint .. maybe uneven surfaces.. If u wanna do it, take it to the pros with warranty on them.. that way if it does get fkd over, u can always go back and get it fixed.. spending, say $1000 at once is better than spending $500 every year for an interior...

Thats from my view

06-12-2009, 10:53 PM
That there is a link to how it should be done.
And yes just head down to your local autobahn etc and ask for viynl dye, most will also do plastic as well. Also get the supplies listed in the above link.
I'm in the middle of down mine at the moment myself, so if you have any questions feel free to pm if you like.
Cheers Mod.

07-12-2009, 07:26 AM
This is possible and if done right will both look good and be usable. I'm currently changing the colour of the interior of a DA9 from grey to black. I've done it before on a Hilux ute, changing from pooh brown to black with great success. The key is preparation, taking your time and not overdoing the layers of colour. I can't stress that enough. Personally I don't like spraying the cluster surrounds, door grabs, etc with colour (acrylic or otherwise). As people have suggested, that fad has passed and looks tacky down the track. However, changing trim colours is OK.


You have to clean the pieces thoroughly. I use Septone Wax & Grease Remover with two clean, lint-free cloths. Clean every corner, in all the grooves, and everywhere that will be visible (don't do behind). Use a cheap paint brush dipped in W&GR to clean vents and grilles. You have to get rid of any wax or Armour-All type finishes.

Before applying the Septone Vinyl & Plastic colour of choice give the panel one more wipe over to be sure. Apply the colour in a very light coat - the idea is not to cover the piece but to build up a foundation for further layers. I do at least two more layers. Don't get too close and don't overdo it. The colour will build up over the two further coats. If not happy apply another coat (lightly). Allow plenty of drying time between coats - at least 10 minutes on a warm day. Don't rush; if you are an impatient person don't attempt this!

Allow the pieces you painted to cure overnight. If you attempt to install them and bump them the paint will mark and come away from the panel. If this happens a light sand and recoat can fix it but best to just let it cure. Overnight the new colour will harden into the plastic. Then you can carefully install it.


Good luck. Done correctly it should 'lift' your interior and make it look like new. It won't cover deep scratches and marks. They will still be there unless you gave them a sand first. A tip here is not to oversand - it will make that area very smooth (compared to the rest of the texture) and the vinyl paint will look smoother in that area.


07-12-2009, 07:51 AM
Peter, a good step would be to use plastic primer to cover any deep scratches :)

07-12-2009, 08:17 AM
Peter, a good step would be to use plastic primer to cover any deep scratches :)

Yes, and you can also get a Plastic Filler but I figure if the piece is that badly scratched or damaged, better go get another piece from the wreckers. Small pieces aren't expensive and will give a much more satisfying finish. I figure if you are going to take the time to do this best start with a usable trim.



07-12-2009, 03:30 PM
man its so much more complicated then i thouht it would be and jdm thats a nice yellow, put a pic up of ur car when your all finished.

15-12-2009, 12:10 AM
This is what I did


Anyways swap meet was cool today, bought heaps of shit =D

Oh yeah MARK! if you are reading this, USE VHT VINYL DYE IT WORKS WONDERS!









And also give it a good wash with laundry detergent before hand!

15-12-2009, 12:14 AM
Also I did my door inserts...

but i used septone.. its so shit dont use that...




but the finish.. not happy with it.... VHT actually penetrates it guys.. septone = pure shit

15-12-2009, 12:50 AM
nice pics/feedback tonton

other than cleaning it, iassume no primer was used ?just spray a handful of coats?

15-12-2009, 01:23 AM
yeah just make it clean and dry... no primer.. this is a dye man.. not a paint

doesnt crack or anything as it soaks through the surface... septone = waste of time man... i used like 2/3 cans to get a shit finish.. where with the VHT it was amazing, felt factory...

19-12-2009, 09:57 AM
I LOL so hard at the hate of painting interiors
Mates of mine has painted theres and i rekon it looks SIKK
Then again my mate has done quite a few cars and he's had his VR now for about 5 years, done the paint 5 years ago and is still YET to CRACK NOR FADE.
Its all red.
His missus car (a commo HSV) is painted purple, 3 years on no dramas..
He used clear coat after clear coat after clear coat but the results man are fantastic if you do it with care and time..

Each to there own, you do what u want man, don't listen to some of the idiots here
Best of luck, show fotos if you do it!!!