View Full Version : FD Civic Major Service Cost

25-11-2009, 06:52 PM
hey guys

i just had the 40k serive done and it cost me 475 bucks, i was just wondering if this is the ball park sort of price to expect to pay for major service or if i just got ripped off?

also they told me that the left hand side driveshaft is in need of replacement coz its broken and split and leaked all the grease out. thats not the worst part though, they said its not covered under warranty...does this sound right or am i being taken for a ride here?

any help is much appreciated


25-11-2009, 07:19 PM
it's a wear and tear item so it won't be covered unless you can prove it's a premature wear but for 40k you must have been doing a lot of U turns and sharp turns.
that price sounds right btw.

25-11-2009, 08:48 PM
i thought it was a bit pre mature aswell

but the part that frustrates me is they said to me that the front drive shafts have seen to be a weakness in the build of the FD yet they wont cover it

i do drive the car pretty hard and when it was on coilovers for bout 6 months it coped a thrashing around corners, however, they blamed the damage on the car being lower than stock, with bigger heavier wheels also adding strain to the driveshaft?

does that sound right?

thanks for setting straight the price dilemma

i am curoius to know however what others are paying for their servicing

so post up ur numbers guys

25-11-2009, 09:03 PM
sounds right, no chance in hell Honda will cover anything related to suspension now that you have modified the vehicle.

25-11-2009, 09:27 PM
this must be the noobest question u have ever heard

but is the driveshaft connected to the front struts?

if so could the suspension joint thats done the work have ****ed it up?

or even the guys changing the tyres, coz i had those changed only 3 or 4 weeks ago?

25-11-2009, 09:43 PM
how much is it to replace the drive shaft? man i dont wanna pay for a new drive shaft at 40k, thats just shit lol

26-11-2009, 02:46 PM
since it's not covered go to an independent mechanic and they'll charge you much less and just get a shop to replace and re grease the broken seal, I think it was something under <100 for repair and labour shouldn't cost that much, just a thought for you.

26-11-2009, 11:12 PM
how much is it to replace the drive shaft? man i dont wanna pay for a new drive shaft at 40k, thats just shit lol

honda charge between 500 and 670 for the drive shaft

i called up a few dealers in melbourne, one guy even laughed and said i was the third guy calling up for a quote in the passed week for the same thing

i couldnt believe how much they wanted to charge

its crazy, its ludicrus i have no idea how to justify it

26-11-2009, 11:14 PM
since it's not covered go to an independent mechanic and they'll charge you much less and just get a shop to replace and re grease the broken seal, I think it was something under <100 for repair and labour shouldn't cost that much, just a thought for you.

hey i went to a couple of local mechanics today

they said they would re build my current driveshaft with new parts and a loan car for the day for 220

another quoted me 200 for a reco unit without a warranty or loan car

i think ill go the more expensive route this time

thanks for all ur help shadou

u have been very informative and useful

27-11-2009, 11:13 AM
my car has done over 100k, runs sweet, serviced every 10k, last 100k service was 475. i dont think ever had the drive shaft replaced, although no idea what that is however but its had everything done thats needed. and the engine still revs well. probably better than it did ages back

27-11-2009, 05:09 PM
an old friend of mine got charged 1200 by the dealership (120k service) because his engine had too much carbon buildup, so they had to do something funny with it (i'm not sure what it is)...

1200 wtf!

OP you'rs isn't so bad, hahaha

27-11-2009, 05:43 PM
1200, eek haha. where does carbon build up? i do try to use bp ultimate all the time as it is tested cleaner.

and i know sort of first hand as my old man has been involved in BP for years and back when ultimate first came out and they did this big project to test it to report back to the head office in UK.
they got all these identical new cars, i think corolla, maxima, wrx, ss comodore, some motorbikes etc, got them to do an 800km loop a day driving between drivers. 2 different drivers a day to do a 400km loop of normal driving. plus some older cars just bought from dealers, run of the mill, and they split an engine in half on the older cars and could run one half of the cylinders on say normal 91 and one on ultimate. im not a mechanic but this is what he told me happened. had some doctor guy come out from UK that used all these barometers or somethign? to measure certain wear and tear, did full dyno tests at certain labs with this new dyno that takes all ur wheels off and bolts them into this machine for a true result, speed tests on tracks with acceleration etc and he said that the petrol really did make a difference in terms of cleaning, removed build up in all cars, especially the older cars that were built up originally. and on some cars, especially the new nissan maximas at the time, they had 2 identical ones running on different fuel and on ultimate one got say 7.8second 0-100 and the one on it was like 8.6. and not just one off runs, was like 10 runs each. then put the ultimate petrol in the slower car and its times came up to the 7.8 times.

eek, sorry to go off then but might be interesting to anyone worrying abotu engines.

so touch wood, ive been using ultimate on my civic, as well as this old daewoo i got as a run about and had no trouble, but hey if i get a $1200 bill i'll do less k's and offset the tax balance better.

01-12-2009, 12:27 AM
an old friend of mine got charged 1200 by the dealership (120k service) because his engine had too much carbon buildup, so they had to do something funny with it (i'm not sure what it is)...

1200 wtf!

OP you'rs isn't so bad, hahaha

thats a ridiculous number to pay

if you have heaps of carbon build up on the block

give it 2 me for a couple hours

ill clean it for free

just need a full tank of petrol and plenty of straigh road to open the ****er up

01-12-2009, 12:28 AM
1200, eek haha. where does carbon build up? i do try to use bp ultimate all the time as it is tested cleaner.

and i know sort of first hand as my old man has been involved in BP for years and back when ultimate first came out and they did this big project to test it to report back to the head office in UK.
they got all these identical new cars, i think corolla, maxima, wrx, ss comodore, some motorbikes etc, got them to do an 800km loop a day driving between drivers. 2 different drivers a day to do a 400km loop of normal driving. plus some older cars just bought from dealers, run of the mill, and they split an engine in half on the older cars and could run one half of the cylinders on say normal 91 and one on ultimate. im not a mechanic but this is what he told me happened. had some doctor guy come out from UK that used all these barometers or somethign? to measure certain wear and tear, did full dyno tests at certain labs with this new dyno that takes all ur wheels off and bolts them into this machine for a true result, speed tests on tracks with acceleration etc and he said that the petrol really did make a difference in terms of cleaning, removed build up in all cars, especially the older cars that were built up originally. and on some cars, especially the new nissan maximas at the time, they had 2 identical ones running on different fuel and on ultimate one got say 7.8second 0-100 and the one on it was like 8.6. and not just one off runs, was like 10 runs each. then put the ultimate petrol in the slower car and its times came up to the 7.8 times.

eek, sorry to go off then but might be interesting to anyone worrying abotu engines.

so touch wood, ive been using ultimate on my civic, as well as this old daewoo i got as a run about and had no trouble, but hey if i get a $1200 bill i'll do less k's and offset the tax balance better.

i have heard of these sort of tests being performed but i never knew any one that knew much about them

very interesting to know

01-12-2009, 12:45 AM
thats a ridiculous number to pay

if you have heaps of carbon build up on the block

give it 2 me for a couple hours

ill clean it for free

just need a full tank of petrol and plenty of straigh road to open the ****er up

That's what i told him too. Is nailing it the only way to clean the carbon out? or can u put chems into the fueltank and do other things?

01-12-2009, 12:50 AM
when i did my first major service at 40k i got charged about $900? one of the services was to clean the carbon off the throttle body.

they charged me all sorts of shit that wasn't a part of the usual major service. it's like they just made stuff up. like there was a smell coming from the a/c. so charged $80 to put an anti-bacteria bomb through? then wipers and all sorts of shit.

01-12-2009, 05:33 AM
I just had my 40k service this week it cost $420 with new wiper blades (i asked for).
Ive never had any other trouble with the car damage or anything and i also drive hard, turn sharp(no hand brake use at all) and that type of thing.
Also i find BP ultimate the best for the car as well.

01-12-2009, 11:36 AM
$900 is totally bonkers! i think i want a bacteria bomb though, mine's smelly when i turn it off too.

$420 for wiper blades! fark me i'll just use a shitload of rainx and drive fast... fuk'n monopoly.

01-12-2009, 02:39 PM
$900 is totally bonkers! i think i want a bacteria bomb though, mine's smelly when i turn it off too.

$420 for wiper blades! fark me i'll just use a shitload of rainx and drive fast... fuk'n monopoly.

$420 for major service and wiper blades!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-12-2009, 03:14 PM

01-12-2009, 08:19 PM
HAHAHAH fark me, i must have still been asleep!