View Full Version : shocks for kings & guidance with sway

31-01-2010, 10:43 PM
yoyoyo, need some suggestions on shocks for an ek with king springs (1.5" drop).. shocks need replacements.. bit tight on $, so i guess i need some recommendations on this, other than that, used for daily driving and also abit of here and there hard cornerings.. also i have a 22mm rear sway with bushes, d brackets & endlinks, and wanted to know whether the car needed to be jacked up or sit leveld on ground to install it? thx!

ALSO jst found out 2day that, allsprings at moorebank, quoted about $187 each for kyb shocks, whilst the koni yellows were about $265 each, if i can recall. so hmm where to go from here? any other places that i should look into?

Mugen Civic
31-01-2010, 10:55 PM
technically thinking of how the sway work, i don't see why you have to install it while the car is on the ground. If you install it jacked up, it should still work the same once you drop down the car...

make sure your rear sub frame is re-enforced, a 22mm sway bar will tear it up.

oh yea i recommend Koni Yellows for shocks.

31-01-2010, 11:01 PM
ahh okay, thought i read something up regarding to it being jacked up so no applied weight was exerted onto the sway, guess i was wrong haha, oh and yes, the sway will be reinforced by an asr subframe =] thx!

Mugen Civic
31-01-2010, 11:07 PM
well, it doesn't matter if its installed jacked up or not. This is just my thinking and my own personal knowledge of how a sway works. Some one with suspension professional knowledge could shed more light on this topic. I've installed my sways jacked up.

Is the ASR already on the car? That needs to be installed jacked up, cause you'll need to take out the LCA bolt.

31-01-2010, 11:18 PM
anything that bolts through a bush should be preloaded though i.e. pretty much anything that attaches to the lca's
though sway bars are generally okay to install without loading up the suspension but i do it anyway since i like to follow my own little procedure while doing it

opposite story with strut bars, bolt them up tight without load so when you drop them the bar is already doing some work

31-01-2010, 11:36 PM
well, it doesn't matter if its installed jacked up or not. This is just my thinking and my own personal knowledge of how a sway works. Some one with suspension professional knowledge could shed more light on this topic. I've installed my sways jacked up.

Is the ASR already on the car? That needs to be installed jacked up, cause you'll need to take out the LCA bolt.

nah nt yet, figured it would had to be jacked up =]! man more work to do.. lol thx dude!

anything that bolts through a bush should be preloaded though i.e. pretty much anything that attaches to the lca's
though sway bars are generally okay to install without loading up the suspension but i do it anyway since i like to follow my own little procedure while doing it

opposite story with strut bars, bolt them up tight without load so when you drop them the bar is already doing some work

sweet, jst gotta pick up the subframe soon and get cracking =) thx for the info ^^

13-02-2010, 09:47 PM
what series in the kybs were the shocks ?

14-02-2010, 08:16 AM
The golden rule with suspension bushes is..... If it is rubber then it must be tightened up in the loaded position (on the ground).
If it is a urethane bush with a crush tube, or a sperical joint it doesn't matter whether or not the joint is loaded.
Koni FTW.:thumbsup:

14-02-2010, 08:37 AM
what if you can't reach the bushes once the car is lowered greg?
will jacking up the control arm to simulate load be sufficient? or am i better off buying some ramps to let the car rest on while torquing up the bolts on the bushes?

14-02-2010, 09:33 AM
Ramps would be the best solution in that case.
A 4 post hoist is the best way.............Like we all have one of those!!!;)

14-02-2010, 09:14 PM
what series in the kybs were the shocks ?

wasnt really sure, he said for any future servicings on the shocks, he would be able to dismantle it and put it back together, that's if anything was wrong..

The golden rule with suspension bushes is..... If it is rubber then it must be tightened up in the loaded position (on the ground).
If it is a urethane bush with a crush tube, or a sperical joint it doesn't matter whether or not the joint is loaded.
Koni FTW.:thumbsup:

awesome thx for the advice =), picking up the asr soon anyways, so i guess ill find out from there, shouldnt be too hard =)