View Full Version : Battery isolator?

01-03-2010, 02:47 PM
Howdy all,

I have a '05 Euro Lux that i luv...
I only live a short distance from work, and sometimes the car sits for days...

I am interested in installing a battery isolator to prolong it's life...
The car is garaged and safe so the lack of alarm is not an issue..

Any thoughts? :confused:

01-03-2010, 03:29 PM
The battery should have sufficient charge to start up the car if just left off for days. The problem occurs when its left unstarted for weeks or months...not days. Also, a good high capacity battery should prevent this from happening. If you do not want to change batteries and you are adamant that your battery will not last the days left unstarted, then I suggest you purchase what is called a maintenance charger. A maintenance charger is 240V charger which connects to your car battery via alligator clips that keeps the battery topped up. Once connected, it charges the battery up and once fully charge, it goes into trickle mode topping up the charge while the battery is left unstarted. This will give you the peace of mind that your batter is always topped up ready to go!
Battery isolators are commonly used if you are using multi-battery arrangements where you are running a lot of 12V accessories.