View Full Version : eg5 with b18cr- check engine light and slightly high revs

28-04-2010, 11:25 PM
a few weeks ago i pulled my dash cluster out to try and resolve the dim buld issue with the eg6 cluster, couldnt fix it, gave up. anyway, when i put the cluster back in, the check engine light came on
i also had high revs at idle it went up to 1400rpm, but has now settle on about 1100rpm, whether cold or hot

anyway, im running a b18cr, and it has a stock ecu. i took it to my mechanic as it was time for new fluids, etc. his diagnostic equipment is newish and he said he couldnt get reading on it. he told me to take it to a stealer, or perhaps another mechanic that can hook up to my obd.

anyway, he said that the high revs might be attributed to the check engine light as well, but couldnt be too sure as he couldnt get a scan.
anyone know of local mechanics (im on the northern beaches) that can do a scan and clear this engine light