View Full Version : DC5 Lux - are the seat's height adjustable?

16-05-2010, 02:09 PM
Hi everyone,

sorry if this has been discussed before, but I want to ask: how far can you adjust the height for the seat in a DC5 lux?

(I did a search in the forum, re-read the broucher, plus google, while by all accounts the seat's height is definitely adjustable, but I couldn't find out by exactly how much)

reason being, I tested drive one the other day, and I found there was probably only 1cm between my head and roof (I could barely slip the palm of my hand between them), and I couldn't see the centre console without tilting down my head.

it didn't occur to me to look for the height adjustment dial on the seat until long after the test drive......

for reference, I am not tall by any means, only around 175cm iirc.

any help would be much apperciated :D

19-05-2010, 02:32 AM
Big round nob on right hand side next to the seat recliner leaver
(if thats what its called)
That round nob should adjust the seat height or posture of the seat but not by much

I've got a dc5 lux aswell also I am about the same height & never had that sort of problem so I am assuming that you just have adjust your seating position IMO

I hope that helped :)