View Full Version : which engine mount??

16-05-2010, 06:02 PM
im gona turbo my ek b18c..nd is lookn for new engine mount...anyone have any idea which engine mount is best and would b a good drive..5 piece engine mount would b good if theres any
im aimin at 200kw atw....any help would b appreciated


16-05-2010, 06:12 PM
Depends what you want man. Hard or soft and you can use different combinations of engine mount and torque mount. I have 62a Hasport engine mounts (3) and also Avid torque mounts (2). Pretty rock hard though.

16-05-2010, 07:27 PM
dnt really want the car to vibrate alot as itll b a daily.....i read tat the hasport mount are too stiff so i looked at mugen ones but apparently they can only handle 200hp...

thanks for the suggestion deano btw u live in browns plains??

16-05-2010, 07:42 PM
Used to live at Regents Park, but have moved now. Hasports are stiff and people do complain about them. I really didn't thing they made much difference at all. Hence I got the Avid torque mounts too. As I said you can get a combination. You could always get Mugen (or other brand) engine mounts mixed with Avid torque mounts. This will limit vibration to a degree, but the Avid torque mounts will limit engine torque rotation/movement.

Heres the Avid's against stock ITR oem torque mounts:

16-05-2010, 10:54 PM
who sells the avid torque mount?? nd for how much??