View Full Version : [CL9] Xcarlink Problem

28-05-2010, 11:34 AM
Hi Guys,

I didn't know if this should be in the ICE forum or not so apologies if it's in the wrong place.

I recently bought an Xcarlink and after installation the sound quality was very poor - lots of static. I suspected a faulty cable as the amount of static would change as I jiggled the cable (This was at a point in the cable halfway between the xcarlink unit and the radio - so not at the plug to the radio).

I sent the unit back and the seller has tested it and found nothing wrong.
However he says...
"Our installer is pretty sure it is due to a loose connection inside your headunit - he says this problem is common to Honda Accords and that he's seen and fixed this problem several times in the past."

Anybody heard of this problem in the headunit and if its an easy fix?


30-05-2010, 10:27 PM
the static noise, or a winding noise as aaron calls a "mini-supercharger", is pretty common to most people who have self installed the XCARLINK themselves.

that thread is a fairly old one, but so many people have posted up their problems on that thread about their XCARLINK.
Have a read through as much as you can, and it might give you some sort of idea, who knows someone might even have the same problem as you.

i'm so glad i sold my CL9 for a CU2, it comes with AUX connection >=P

31-05-2010, 12:12 AM
I recently bought an Xcarlink and after installation the sound quality was very poor - lots of static. I suspected a faulty cable as the amount of static would change as I jiggled the cable (This was at a point in the cable halfway between the xcarlink unit and the radio - so not at the plug to the radio).

Did you have static or whining? Both are different.

31-05-2010, 01:22 AM
maybe problems with cable or you have faulty xcarlink :(

31-05-2010, 11:13 AM
Hi guys, Thanks for your responses.

I've checked the thread suggested by euroRwannabe and only saw mention of problems with a whining sound (Which I believe is related to a grounding issue).
My problem was very bad static / distortion.

It is possible it was a faulty xcarlink unit but like I said the seller tested it and said it was fine. I returned the old one and ordered a new one just in case (So just waiting for that to arrive now).
Just hoping it was a problem with the original unit and not something with my headunit as the seller had indicated it might be.

14-06-2010, 09:11 AM
have u try to put the noise filter on the input signal??

14-06-2010, 11:08 AM
Just a follow up. I received a replacement unit from the seller, installed it and it's all good now.
Must have just been a faulty unit - but weird that he says he tested it and found nothing wrong.

Thanks everyone for your help and suggestions.