View Full Version : DIY Remove your sound deadening!!

28-06-2010, 03:36 PM
Remove your sound deadening!

Disclaimer: The following is provided as a GUIDE ONLY, and neither myself nor Ozhonda take any responsibility for the outcomes of someone else doing the following. You follow these steps at your own risk!

I did this on my 180sx as i dont have a Type R anymore and so i wanted to see how much weight it could lose and to see what it would look like.. plus my Type R didnt have any lol

To make your car lighter + looks better


Dry Ice (can used as little as 1kg but i was lazy and used 4kg)
1 Can of engine degreaser
Chisel (I made sure my chisel wasnt too sharp, doesnt have to be)
Plenty of plastic bags (Optional)

Step 1: Place a small amount of ice into the plastic bags and spread around onto the sound deadening area

Step 2: Now wait it out until you start hearing the sound deadening cracking (it took forever when using the plastic bags so i decided to just use the dry ice without it lol)
I have a video of the sound deadening cracking if anyone hasnt heard it lol

Step 3: I waited until the sound deadening started to build frost over before getting into it (approx 15mins)

Step 4: Start ripping out pieces of the sound deadening (can do some pieces by hand) and if you're lucky.. big pieces will come off :D

Step 5: DONE! But still fairly grubby

Step 6: Once vacuumed, Start spraying the enginer degreaser over the trouble bits

Step 7: Start wiping with some towels, for some areas , they do require a another spray after the wipe... all depends on how fussy you are.. me.. not fussy at all lol :p
This is what it looks like after 1 spray and wipe

All done!! nice and smooth! much better result!

Only removed the rear part of the sound deadening and much eventually move onto the front sooner or later lol
But still managed to save roughly 6-7kgs from only the rear! :D

ENJOY! any feedback would be great

The Dog
28-06-2010, 04:51 PM
You didnt spray some rust preventer paint after?

28-06-2010, 05:00 PM
No theres no need to

28-06-2010, 05:42 PM
hey man wana pm me how much the dry ice was and where you could get it thanks? no need to wear gloves? etc

28-06-2010, 06:45 PM
hey can u tell me where u got the dry ice for because i want to do the same to my EG.

28-06-2010, 07:03 PM
Not really a secret.. i got my dry ice from BOC gases, charged me $7.50 a kg

The guy that served me was awesome.. gave me a couple of kgs for free :D lol but 4kgs is more than plenty if you dont use plastic bags and are fairly quick

28-06-2010, 07:06 PM
where is BOC gases located at?

28-06-2010, 07:21 PM
Depending on where you live.. i know there are 2 places that stock dry ice.. kings park and wetherill park

if those 2 places are too far.. then google up[ and give them a call and see if they stock it

28-06-2010, 11:49 PM
this is great man. i have been wondering how to take the sound deadening off. i tried it with hammer and chisel .. it worked but really messy and left dents on the flooring.

29-06-2010, 07:49 PM
haha mmm so do you have to wear gloves ? fk i been using a flat head and a hammer been taking ages... i'll probably get some dry ice

29-06-2010, 08:04 PM
this is great man. i have been wondering how to take the sound deadening off. i tried it with hammer and chisel .. it worked but really messy and left dents on the flooring.

lol yeah

With dry ice.. i used a kind of used a blunt chisel considering you dont need to strain yourself to get the sound deadening off.. it pretty muchs falls off

haha mmm so do you have to wear gloves ? fk i been using a flat head and a hammer been taking ages... i'll probably get some dry ice

nah i didnt wear gloves :P, the spoon in the pic is what i used the whole time.. you can touch dry ice.. as long as you dont hold it

30-06-2010, 01:34 AM
great write up.
dry ice is the way to go.
good work mate :)

30-06-2010, 01:35 PM
thats hektik man .. i wana do it to my DC2, i wonder how much weight i can take off? ...

30-06-2010, 01:50 PM
great write up.
dry ice is the way to go.
good work mate :)


thats hektik man .. i wana do it to my DC2, i wonder how much weight i can take off? ...

With a vti-r, i'd say 10-15kgs doing the front and rear??

30-06-2010, 02:09 PM
thats heaps man, is that including the firewall thing? ... wait i think i remember you lol, ur jerriels mate too aye? lol

30-06-2010, 03:05 PM
thats heaps man, is that including the firewall thing? ... wait i think i remember you lol, ur jerriels mate too aye? lol

nah not including the firewall, just inside the car floor

lol yeah, i remember you now.. purplish black dc2 with white rims?

30-06-2010, 03:14 PM
haha yea man bt got gold lenso light weights now and respray soon to black

14-07-2010, 05:37 PM
thanks for the DIY man, just did this today to my Teg, just did the back as well, i got 3kg of the dry ice but i wish i had gotten more lol i reckon more the easier. got about 8kgs of sound deadening out of the rear.

15-07-2010, 12:11 AM
haha no worries man, of course.. the more dry ice you have, the easier it is to get rid of the deadening, any photos?

15-07-2010, 02:00 PM
lol yea man towards the end it started getting annoying with out heaps of dry ice, the first couple pieces cam of easy as,yea i took pics, ill get em up asap

15-07-2010, 04:12 PM
awesome dude

I feel soryr for people that tried to get rid of it using the hotair gun and a chisel lol

17-07-2010, 08:03 PM
hot air gun! fk that hahah would take for ever

man what kind of degreaser did you use, my dad grabbed some from work but it's not working at all, the name or brand would be great help.
