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View Full Version : CB7 Rebuild

14-07-2010, 01:13 PM
I thought I would start a thread my progress in rebuilding the CB7. The members of Ozhonda have always helped me out answering my questions in the past, so hopefully i can give something back to the community. I'm going to try and add lots of pics, and hopefully people will find this thread interesting =)

As l upload pictures and information about the progress please feel free to ask questions.

The car was crashed about 2 years ago and if it wasn't for the tow bar on the car in front, it would have been fixed up in no time. Unfortunately a new car was needed right away so the CB7 has sat around in my shed waiting for me to do something with it.

The following two pictures where taken the day after the incident when I got the car back home.

Initial damage

Initial damage

At this point i decided to take a closer look at the damage and work out if I would have time to fix it up, or to just put it up for sale.

Front bar and head lights removed

A closer look at the damage

A closer look from the side

Quick shut the bonnet it doesn't look so bad. It'll buff out =P

This is the way the car has sat for nearly two years. I originally put it up for sale on Ozhonda at this point thinking I was to busy to to anything with. It turned into a state of "out of site out of mind." After some initial interest from other members who where either from a different state and couldn't' justify the transport costs, or who would have bought it if it was up a month or two earlier, the thread found itself buried in the depths of the for sale section and also in my mind.

14-07-2010, 11:58 PM
gosh that's a nice coloured cb7 & darn that damage looks pretty serious :/ "compared to my cb7's damages"
Good luck with the rebuild will be ,I'll stick around this thread !

15-07-2010, 09:52 AM
Thankyou =) yeah it is a nice coloured cb7. I'll try and do another update tonight or tomorrow. What damage did your cb7 take?

15-07-2010, 01:37 PM
nice! hope to see this car back up and running soon!! look luck with it and looking forward to updates!!!

16-07-2010, 01:20 PM
So the next part happened about 6 weeks ago. I decided to do something with it. I found the old thread on ozhonda and dropped the price hoping for a quick sale. Either that or i would start to part it out, make about $500 then stick a 9" through it and scrap the rest. I'm glad it didn't' come to that, i don't' think i could have cut her up. It's strange how these old cb7's grow on you =P

Once again i had some initial interested but it all sort of fell through. When it didn't' look like it was going to sell i thought i have uni break coming up... i may go and have a good look at it again.

So i decided to strip it back some more to fully asses the damage.

Radiator and aircon cooler removed

Side view =/

And finally... =P

I felt nostalgic towards this car... and working on her made me think... i should really fix you up. It was at that point i thought, F$*k IT! If i can find the parts cheap enough I'll fix it.

You may call it a coincidence, i call it fate =P LOL i found a cb7 at a damage car auction. Now what are the odds of finding of finding a 17year old car, in your same state, and with rear end damage... LOL

Then to top a weird day off, i get a msg from a member saying they wish to buy the car! LOL =P I had the thread up there for 2 years then with the price dropped for 3-4 weeks and i finally found a buyer. It was really bizarre, i explained if he was about 12hours earlier the car would be his. However i think i've decided to fix her up.

Stay tuned fokes, the next update will be collecting the prostitute car!

Oh and i'll be starting a new "wrecking thread" in the coming days, for the remainder of the wreck so if you know of anyone after CB7 parts let me know.

16-07-2010, 05:29 PM
Hectic, hope every thing works out and by the way how much did you pick up the other cb7 for? im planning on looking for a wrecked cd5 aswell for spares.

18-07-2010, 10:40 AM
Good luck on the rebuild. Looks like you'll have it back on the road in no time.

18-07-2010, 10:39 PM
Hectic it cost me a little more then i originally hoped to spend. Won it at auction for $500. Then there are fees for bidding online and not in personn plus the auction fee's. So all up it cost me $621. Had i bid quicker and got the bid in at $400 before the other person, i know i would have won it at that price. Not sure if you have ever watched pickels auctions but the cars go really quick. I'd check out their web page for upcoming auctions to see if there are any cd5's.

Stocky ;) your correct. Things have move quickly I'm behind in my updates, but today was a good day =P

18-07-2010, 11:03 PM
Picking up the whore car was a... unique experience. Apparently these damage car auctions happen every Wednesday and Friday. It was an insurance company auction so there were some good undamaged cars that where stolen and recovered. I saw a 32 GTR go for 8k =P

I just realised i haven't got pictures of the damaged parts in this set of photos. They will be coming in future updates.

This is how they move the cars around, damaged or not =P

This is when i opened the door and found out it was the exact same paint colour! SWEET!

And this is when i got closer and realised the paintwork on the bits i wanted wasn't as good as i had hoped.

Made it back with the car still on the trailer. BONUS! =)

Bit disappointed in the condition of the front bar and bonnet. But then again i need to remind myself not to be picky. The chances of finding a 17 year old car at auction in my state, with rear end damage only was slim. I would have bought this car if it was white. I just know if the bonnet and front bar was in better condition, then after the repair is finished the car would have look the same if not better then it was originally before the crash.

27-07-2010, 05:48 PM
Ouch man, I recently did the same thing, except I rammed into my friends bull bar going about 40kms. Lucky for me I had only sprung the power steering line, smashed the air con unit and the radiator and totally wrecked my front bumper. All fixable though.

Good luck fixing yours!

29-07-2010, 03:11 PM
Photos of the damage on the wreck. I'm going to start a new thread to part this car out, if anyone is interested in parts let me know. This car is in pretty good conditions apart from the rear corner ;) Unfortunately the cosmetic bits i wanted (bonnet, front bar) where the panels in the worst condition.

Surprisingly the boot has been hardly been damaged

Rear bar was missing when i picked the car up

Apparently the previous owner likes home brand salted peanuts =P

29-07-2010, 04:40 PM
Hey You should keep the cd5 wheels cause it looks good on a cb7 accord

29-07-2010, 04:57 PM
Yeah i was thinking about doing that. The other alloys wheels look like grandma wheels =P

I have 4 new tyres so yeah got to pick a set of rims and sell the others ;)

29-07-2010, 05:20 PM
So the work begins =P

I apologise i really could have taken more pictures, but once you get dirty and start working you sort of forget to do so.

First things first, time to remove the parts of the whore car =P

Next, spend hours looking for just the right size piece of metal to pull from

9,500 pound winch should do it... =P and 4 blocks of wood for wheel chocks. We soon needed two extra on the nav

Countless time spend looking for another piece of metal the "perfect" size =) you can see the bottom is getting straighter. It still needed some more work but we got there in the end =P

At this point using the top support panel of the wreck car as a guide, we were able to work out how far it needed to be pulled.

By changing the position of the NAV and angle of pull we could pull each side out at different rates to get it straight.

There was a few hairy moments where your watching the seams (where it was bent) and thinking should i go one more click on the winch, scared of tearing the metal =P It was geared pretty coarsely so each click pulled at least 20mm. We worked out if you put some body weight on the cable you could bend it out that little bit extra, rather then going another squirt on the winch.

All in all for a first attempt i was pleasantly surprised with the results. Using the top support bolt holes as a guide, it soon lined up perfectly. I mean perfectly! =P

29-07-2010, 05:37 PM
That's ingenuity at its best, keep up the good work

29-07-2010, 05:48 PM
hahaha =P thanks mate =)

Wait till you see the measuring stick that i used for fine tuning ;) LOL

29-07-2010, 09:21 PM
we should of done video of the winch pulling the front out, 'hairy' doesnt do it justice...

measuring stick??? oh you mean the broom handle, yeah right...

29-07-2010, 09:31 PM
Shhh your giving away trade secretes ;) HAHAHA

Guys welcome my mate who has been helping me with the repair =)

30-07-2010, 09:26 AM
looks like your making some nice progress with this

keep up the good work

24-11-2010, 12:43 PM
Firstly guys i apologise for taking such a long time to update this thread. It's been in the back of my mind but i have been absolutely flat out.

Getting ahead of ourselves here but i could help holding up the front bar to see how it looked

Perhaps this was the problem...

New parts starting to go in

We were nervous about how well the radiator and air con cooler would fit in our newly panel beated front end... not that we doubted out truck winch method... =P

Turns out we were pretty damn close, a little bit of fine tuning and it all went in like a glove. As you can notice we found yet another perfect length piece of wood which held the bonnet up...

About time the bonnet was removed

The bent up old power steering cooler is still handing on for dear life =P

Close up of her new bits =P

New bonnet goes on... sucks about the scratch on it =(

Once again getting ahead of ourselves, everything is just sitting there

And one with the head lights sitting in there for good measure =P

Finally decide to do the power steering cooler =P

Looking good =)

I was pretty happy with the final alignment

Bonnet now latches down =)

Getting the alignment of the bonnet right and adjusting the latch for it to lock properly and in the right position was a little tricky. But it got there in the end =)

It's getting time to see if the car will start after 2 years of sitting around... =)

I know the answer, anyone want to take bets on how it went ;)

26-11-2010, 03:27 PM
2nd crank

09-12-2010, 12:40 AM
Thankyou =) yeah it is a nice coloured cb7. I'll try and do another update tonight or tomorrow. What damage did your cb7 take?

Lol sorry for the massively late reply,did not have the net for quite some time & i actually got my car with the rear steel re-enforced bar abit bent,bonnet had a small crack in the middle and on the side had abit of minor damage as well.
All fixed thought except the tail lights which i couldn't be bothered for quite some time :P .loving the progress of the car since i last saw it !

13-01-2011, 07:20 PM
Once again guys time got away from me but I'm steadily uploading pictures. Car was fixed up a few months ago and basically sat around. I have some more time atm so I'm back on it this week, sorting out a new battery, reinstalling (i ripped it out) the head unit, soon to be washed and final pictures. Until then I'll post some more progress pictures.

2nd crank
Depends what you class as a crank =P on first turn of the key nothing... i'll get to that shortly in the progress pictures.

Lol sorry for the massively late reply,did not have the net for quite some time & i actually got my car with the rear steel re-enforced bar abit bent,bonnet had a small crack in the middle and on the side had abit of minor damage as well.
All fixed thought except the tail lights which i couldn't be bothered for quite some time :P .loving the progress of the car since i last saw it !

Thanks mate =) I'm pretty happy with the finish job considering it was the first time i've attempted something like this. The only disappointing thing is, the quality of the whore car... the bonnet/front bar isn't in the best condition... had it been in better condition the repair would have looked perfect. Anyway beggars can't be chooses at least it's the same paint colour right ;)

13-01-2011, 08:16 PM
So after 2 years of sitting around it's nearly at that time to see if the work so far is worth it. Will she still purr...

That coolant may just come in handy

I also decided to give her an oil change before cranking it over.

Freshly oiled up =P

So the time came, i was all excited. Put the dodgy old battery back in that had been on trickle charge for a few days, hooked the Nav up to it with jumper leads (the battery really was that shit) turned the key and NOTHING....

Getting no power through with jumper leads connected was strange... there had to be some electrical problem, it must have happened in the crash. I checked out the old bonnet, the way it had been bent it must have touched the battery terminals you could even see were it arced. So where to start looking... hopefully it's just a fuse.

Thank you ozhonda

When you don't know your way that well around a honda it was quicker to search the fuse on the forum.

Getting warmer

Well that makes sense that the fuse would be here, but you just never know. I wouldn't be surprised if a forum member said "up under the steering collum, right where you can't reach, there is a little module, check that" LOL

The culprit

I thought "Shit where am i going to find a big mofo fuse like this on a Sunday" .... then i remembered the whore car was sitting right there for our spare part needs.

Now we have power! Cranked the engine over a few times to get the oil moving around before starting it up properly. When it came time to start after a few cranks nothing... it didn't sound like it was firing... it wouldn't start.

Back to the basics...

Pulled a spark plug from the other car, plugged it and cranked the car... yep she definitely has spark. That leaves only fuel.

Now I'm not sure exactly what happened here, if anyone has an explination i'd love to hear it. We pulled the injector rail off and in the procsess fuel came pissing out. It was obviously pressurised so fuel was being pumped from the tank however didn't seem to be making it in. Flying bind we figure we would pull and injector and see if it was dry on the other side... yep it seemed a little dry... then again we didn't know exactly what it should look like.

We put it all back together knowing fuel is at least making it that far and next thing we knew it started up. It sounded perfect, you would have never thought the car had sat around for two years, the engine just purred =)

We now have a running car... most the mechanical stuff was done.. Back to cosmetic bits and pieces.