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28-12-2004, 04:37 AM
I had just finished nightfill (2:30am) and it was time to go home. I usually go for a little drive to calm myself before sleep. Next thing theres a lancer on my ass. 98ish model. Not close enough that its tailgating, yet too close for 2:30am in the morning with no traffic. He follows for about 1Km then I decide that I should show him SOHC raw power. Drop it into second, and rev it out to 7200rpm, look behind me and slowly lancer boy creeps up and starts following me real close again! I get fed up and slow right down to 20kms, yet lancer doesn't overtake??? So finally I slam it into first, Bang! VTEC, 2nd .... VTEC, 3rd ........VTEC to 7300rpm. Doing 145kms, I look behind me seeing lancer boy trying to keep up! Hahaha Then after that we went on a twisty run. Finally i pull into my driveway, goto bed and fall a sleep with the satisfaction of the performance of the all so mighty d-series.

28-12-2004, 04:38 AM
Hey post up your D-Series Kills!

Mr. Focus
28-12-2004, 09:32 AM
i'd not long bought my lil CRX and i was cruising along a well known road here on the SC. a friend of mine pulled along side me chekin it out when her b/f says 'how bout it at the next lights'. i was a little worried as he was driving an SS commodore but i replied with a nod. we got the next red and smiled stupidly at each other. the light turned green and i punched it. we were pretty even thru 1st, 2nd was close but i managed to pull away and as i hit third i had left him by a car length. i was most impressed and he was shocked! we pulled over an he asked if had her boosted or nos'd. i just laughed and told him to take his slow-ass POS home!

28-12-2004, 10:50 AM
lol.. funny story man.. yeah i cant hack it either when lancers are on the road.. they look like shit.. especially the DROID kits that most have.. and plus there little nuggets that dont move.. man.. HONDA ALL THE WAY...

[[d a n n y]]
28-12-2004, 11:49 AM
vti ? is it?

28-12-2004, 12:18 PM
This is so ****ing lame.

28-12-2004, 12:37 PM
a few years ago i went on a cruise... the new type-r just got released, DCR5. I was about to pull into petrol station at the lights but saw a white type-r in the next lane so i decided to give it a run. The lights was red. He gave me a rev to show me he was interested.

I was laughing casue i knew what was about to happen (Civic Cxi auto). Green, and i launched it using the brakes, got about 2 car lengths ahead casue he missed the start, then next thing i knew i was about 3, then 4, then 5 then 6 car lengths behind. D-series power for sure! hahaha

Mr. Focus
28-12-2004, 02:16 PM
This is so ****ing lame.
dont be a hater. if you dont like the 'd' then dont post here. simple concept really :D

28-12-2004, 03:01 PM
i would say da type r felt sorry 4 u hihihihi :D

28-12-2004, 03:05 PM
dont be a hater. if you dont like the 'd' then dont post here. simple concept really :D
Maybe cause he is a B ?

28-12-2004, 07:49 PM
double demerits dood...... 145......... thats nuts..... glad ur here to tell us ur story

28-12-2004, 07:55 PM
]']vti ? is it?Yes Vti Coupe.

this is so ****ing lameYeh... Lame like a FOX!

double demerits dood...... 145......... thats nuts..... glad ur here to tell us ur storyYeh but it was 3 in the morning, no traffic at all, on a fairly open road in an industrial area. So it was relitivlty safe..er..ish. I would never race in a residential zone, to risky might, flatten someone, and that would suck.

28-12-2004, 08:06 PM
No offense but ppl speeding and posting on the forums doesnt excite me.

Just shows how much of an attention whore u are.

28-12-2004, 08:35 PM

1.) If it it doesn't exicte you then don't read the "track/drag racing section. No need to flame me.
2.) Yes your right! I am such an attention whore. Because im the first person in the history of motoring forums to post a kill story. Although funny enough you have posted in other peoples kill stories with "congratulations" and "praise" when they were most likley going faster than me. What have I done wrong?
3.) BTW what are you trying to get at? Is it your mission in life to flame someone you don't even know? If you have nothing nice to say then just refrain from typing. And keep off this thread?


Any more d-series kills?

28-12-2004, 08:51 PM
Other drags i post in they reach teh speed limit and stop.

You go at 145km/hr :thumbdwn:

See the ****ing diff? :confused:

And after all those Car accidents on the news, you still favour to speed.

Either you dont see the news or you're just plain ignorant.

And btw, I've 'Praised' many new ppl to the forum for many things. :rolleyes:

28-12-2004, 09:22 PM
those ppl on the news are narrow minded egg head, thier the one's that can't control thier own cars. they think thier cars are indestructable. even more so think they own the roads.
can't call everyone that speeds ignorant or say "didnt you watch the new and see all those accidents". most ppl who speed do know when to stop and can control themselves. but for the ones that dont......oh well

28-12-2004, 11:18 PM
Other drags i post in they reach teh speed limit and stop.

*memories off "ali G indahouse" come flashing back*

Civic Type R
30-12-2004, 02:59 AM
lol.. Kyle !

30-12-2004, 08:37 AM
my d16a8 EG civic Si did 15.1 @ 90mph
mods : i/h/e , lighten flywheel , no ac , stripped interior.
street tyres.
damn im slow :(

anyone wanna share their D series quater mile time?

Mr. Focus
30-12-2004, 08:51 AM
i would, but i havent run it yet :(

30-12-2004, 10:16 AM
the most sensible thing to do..not to race in a street....and i you wanted to race go to a protected environment like a race track or a dragstrip..its might cost a bit but no one will get hurt...thats what i reckon..

30-12-2004, 01:32 PM
Whoa. That's some serious speeding.

Double demerit points man. Be careful.

02-01-2005, 09:47 PM
Glad to see you aint scared of the double demerit holliday! Good run though and its not as if you started it.. he was picking on YOU!