View Full Version : Honda Vamos / SEVS

26-07-2010, 04:41 PM
hi guys, i've just decided i would really like to get a Honda Vamos from Japan. its a supersmall minivan and would suit my lifestyle perfectly, i never travel very far and it has the space (for boards) and comfort levels i require as a regular surfer.

its not on the SEVS register just yet and i thought i might do an application to get it put on there myself.

so i guess i'm kinda looking for anyone who has experience with getting cars listed with SEVS.

here's hoping!


or a tricked one looks like this!


26-07-2010, 05:51 PM
its not on the SEVS register just yet and i thought i might do an application to get it put on there myself.

can it even be done? as in is there some formal process or application which can be filled out? If not I highly highly doubt they will put it on the list. there's more to it than just adding the car to the list, such as proving the car will meet ADRs, workshops who will comply the vehicle etc

best bet would be to go live in japan, own the car for a year and then bring it in as a personal import

26-07-2010, 05:56 PM
thanx for your reply mark..

yeah, i understand that there is a formal process / application which has to be filled out, but anyone can do it, the forms are on the SEVS website; you just have to have (make!) the vehicle in question meet the criteria. (and then of course get the revs workshops sorted out).

i was just wondering if anyone on here has done it and what pointers they might give me..

26-07-2010, 06:03 PM
are you referring to this --->


26-07-2010, 07:22 PM
I was considering doing this for the EF8 CRX on the grounds that it's a high-powered sports car (power to weight) and has a unique shape (glass roof) and something else I can't remember.

But one of the members on CRXAustralia told me that apparently if your application is accepted (after meeting 2 of the criteria) you need to make a compulsory payment of $150,000 to have it officially listed or something like that.

Go ahead and give it a shot, let me know if I'm wrong. GL

26-07-2010, 10:25 PM
haha, sounds like i'm really pushing shit uphill to get a half-decent car that meets my needs in australia then doesn't it!:(

i'll try a bit more research and if that fails, i'll have to try the 1-year rule with a friend in japan.

but even that's ridiculously convoluted and not cheap.. but the :honda:vamos is such a great little beast!


27-07-2010, 04:06 AM
I saw two or three look like this in Gold Coast (used car), do you want me to get the contact number of dealer for you? These are seem from Nissan not Honda.

27-07-2010, 07:33 AM
cheers tinymoon, sounds awsm, especially since i'm gold coast anyway!!:D

27-07-2010, 07:35 AM
150k, shit unless you were competing in a road rally and were selling a shite load of them, be hardly worth it at that price lol

27-07-2010, 05:10 PM
cheers tinymoon, sounds awsm, especially since i'm gold coast anyway!!:D

Here you are, i have seen 2 Box cars this morning. These are not listed in the website, but you can pass by and talk to the dealer.