View Full Version : DIY DIY - Bolt Cover Center Console eg/dc2

16-08-2010, 12:39 AM
Disclaimer: The following is provided as a GUIDE ONLY, and neither myself nor Ozhonda take any responsibility for the outcomes of someone else doing the following. You follow these steps at your own risk!

well i resently perchased an eg civic and the center console was missing the bolt cover.
i was not in the mood to go hunting for somthing soo little . i desided to make my own
i had this stuff laying around
but what you will need is :

1x piece of acrylic (plastic) slightly bigger then intended
1x 80 or 100 grit sand paper
1x 400 or 600 grit sand paper ( optionally )
1X can of spray with the same colour as your centre console

Step 1
soo me being a getto kind of guy i got my piece of acrylic from an old clip bored ... and cut it with a copeing saw

Step 2
place the piece of plastic over the hole . use your eye to measure how much u need to take off

place the 80 grit sand paper on the floor or bench makeing sure its nice and flat and that the sand paper has enough grip to stop it from sliding .

Step 3
take the peice of acrylic and work it onto the sand paper where needed .
repeat Step 2 and 3 until u have a nice snug fit .
take your time make sure u get shapes on the corners.

Step 4
give it a nice sand with the 400 grid sandpaper just to help the paint sticking nicely .

Step 5
SPRAY IT!!!! now here is where the cool stuff happens .
spray one coat . leave to dry then give it a very light sand with the 8O grit to make it impure.
now i found out a while back that if you spray somthing very HEAVELY(with impuraties) and leave it in the sun to dry .
you get a similar texture to the original center console .

Step 6
leave it in the sun to dry fully .

step 7
i was in a rush ....so i put it on slightly wet ( u can see my finger print slightly :( )

now car somehow feels COMPLETE ! :D

my first diy post .... not the best but its a start .:D
p.s i had to spray the whole center console due to previous owner makeing it a dull ugly pealing blue :( and you dont have to remove the center console but it does make life easier.

Thanks Nabil

16-08-2010, 01:20 AM
not bad..

16-08-2010, 07:42 PM
$5 from wreckers

16-08-2010, 11:07 PM
did you diy your hole centre console black ?

16-08-2010, 11:17 PM
$5 from wreckers

cbf going wreckers ....it was a sunday too ... didnt take long .....you cant even notice the diffrence

16-08-2010, 11:19 PM
did you diy your hole centre console black ?

i had too .... it was pealing and a really ugly blue ... ..
all u gotta doo its wash it ....and wet sand it with 400 grid
wash off agian then dry it and spray it ...
that came out pretty good too ...

17-08-2010, 04:33 PM
LOL wow. The technique you used to make it look like the original centre console texture is mind blowing.

17-08-2010, 05:39 PM
you know wreckers probably wont even charge you for one ==