View Full Version : installing springs.. get a pro or diy ??

11-09-2010, 10:13 PM
hey guys. i bought a new set of king springs recently. i was just wondering is it easy to install it by urself and save $$ or is it worth it to take it to a pro and let them do it ? any suggestions ? cos i dnno wat to do at this stage. thanks

11-09-2010, 10:20 PM
just try it out yourself you can always get someone to come do it for you when u do reach a dead end. its pretty basic stuff anyways just a bolt and nut here and there and your done

11-09-2010, 10:22 PM
just try it out yourself you can always get someone to come do it for you when u do reach a dead end. its pretty basic stuff anyways just a bolt and nut here and there and your done

i dont need any special tools or anything ?

11-09-2010, 10:28 PM
You will need special tools such as spring compressor. You seem clueless, so I suggest you either search a DIY online and have someone who has done this guiding you during the installation. Last thing you want is injuring yourself.

11-09-2010, 11:18 PM
You don't really need a spring compressor, but you need to be very careful when removing a long spring because the pieces at the top of the shock will fly off.

Most shops would probably only charge you like $50 a corner?

I suggest doing this with somebody who's done it before.

11-09-2010, 11:29 PM
yea man its not hard. i just finished doing mine today. takes a fair bit of time if you're doing it on your own for your first time.
have a look at some DIY's to get an idea

11-09-2010, 11:39 PM
i dont need any special tools or anything ?

probably not your just replacing a part..

11-09-2010, 11:49 PM
you will need spring compressors, and socket set, or rattle gun with sockets to do the compressors up, also might need wd-40 along with allen keys for the top,

if your un- doing it don't really need spring compressors, just hold the rattle gun firm and un do it, people over exagerate when it flies off,

12-09-2010, 11:53 AM
the spring compressors you can buy from supercheap only need a 1/2" ratchet to do up. its not a hard job it can just get frustrating at times. when you compress the spring make sure you get as much runs of the spring as possible.

12-09-2010, 12:03 PM
just search changing front coil springs in youtube, there are a great set of videos from expertvillage

12-09-2010, 12:48 PM
takes a while to do man and can be VERY dangerous if not done correct. if you can get someone to help you that has done it before or just save the trouble and get someone to do it for you man. safety first!

12-09-2010, 02:17 PM
takes one hour to remove and replace springs on all four corners

12-09-2010, 05:20 PM
you DO need spring compressors. ignore the people who say you dont.

A compressed car spring contains enough energy to fly out and break legs. imagine what it could do to your face.

12-09-2010, 05:34 PM
rattle gun with sockets to do the compressors up

i suggest you dont use a rattlegun on spring compressors

12-09-2010, 05:51 PM
people who have accidents using rattle guns on springs compressors have no experience, you obviously face the compressor and spring out of your way

12-09-2010, 06:15 PM
thats not what im saying, using rattle guns on spring compressors can wreck the threads on them

12-09-2010, 07:52 PM
not necessary to have spring compressors as the job can be done without it if you know what you are doing

but from a safety point of view and since you have not done it before, it is highly recommended, just ebay it, i brought mine for 25$

12-09-2010, 07:55 PM
yeah inexperienced people

12-09-2010, 10:38 PM
Okay, when I changed the springs on my Fulcrum coilovers about 4-6 weeks ago I used a rattle gun to remove the top of the coilovers to get the springs off.

The parts flew off, but if you anchor the bottom of the shock with your foot and point the top of the shock away from your body/car/anything you don't want damaged it's not so bad.

To put a new spring on can be a bitch. Putting 10kg springs on my coilovers I literally had to put pretty much all of my weight (about 100kg +/-) onto the spring while my friend put the top of the shock back together and put the nut back on.

It can be done without a spring compressor for goodness sake. Just be careful, accidents can happen in all environments.

14-09-2010, 08:47 AM
DIY it more fun. There's plenty of guides out there to make it easy and plus you will get to know your car a little bit more.

14-09-2010, 11:22 AM

14-09-2010, 12:19 PM
or invest in 35 bucks for a spring compressor, use it then sell it
saves the hassel of putting all your weight on it

Okay, when I changed the springs on my Fulcrum coilovers about 4-6 weeks ago I used a rattle gun to remove the top of the coilovers to get the springs off.

The parts flew off, but if you anchor the bottom of the shock with your foot and point the top of the shock away from your body/car/anything you don't want damaged it's not so bad.

To put a new spring on can be a bitch. Putting 10kg springs on my coilovers I literally had to put pretty much all of my weight (about 100kg +/-) onto the spring while my friend put the top of the shock back together and put the nut back on.

It can be done without a spring compressor for goodness sake. Just be careful, accidents can happen in all environments.

14-09-2010, 04:42 PM
any recommendations for spring compressors? i'm about to buy some 'valley' ones for $50 shipped. they're the 4 claw ones and seem decent enough. any comments?

14-09-2010, 04:59 PM
just the TFT ones at supercheap will do, depending on what store you go to they might have them all sold and swapped to stanley ( both made by stanley). these are really good quality and only need a a 1/2" ratchet.


15-09-2010, 01:27 AM
You should use a spring compressor u CAN DO IT WITHOUT it, its not impossible but its like .. trying to fight 2 guys at once eventually they will go down it just isnt the best option lol

Its best to get .. Someone who knows next to you to either teach you or simply just watch them, watch what they do.. Maybe note it down? That way one day when u go to do it urself, just read over ur notes?

15-09-2010, 08:52 PM
or invest in 35 bucks for a spring compressor, use it then sell it
saves the hassel of putting all your weight on it

Push down on the coil while your friend screws on the nut at the top of the shock.


Drive to the shop, buy the spring compressor, use it to change your springs once and then put it up for sale second hand at a loss from your original $35?

Define 'hassle' for me dude <lol>

15-09-2010, 08:55 PM
while both those ways probably work fine, he hasn't had much (/any?) experience in this area so i think spring compressors would be the safest option for him

15-09-2010, 09:16 PM
cant believe what some people are saying here.

This is the internet. YOU can be held responsible for others actions -taking YOUR advice.
If this or any kid reads what YOU say....they do it and take out their eye or worse YOU can legally be held responsible.

Whats the safest option ? Dont **** with the suspension of your car. Take it to a professional or someone you know that knows what they are doing.

16-09-2010, 10:07 AM
don't worry about it Ben, let ythem all learn the hard way.

16-09-2010, 10:18 AM
can't believe noone's suggested it yet but Ben does a great job with sussy pm bennjamin he did mine and everything's great, give him a pm and he'll most likely be able to work something out for you :thumbsup:

don't mess with the sussy if you got no idea whats going on in there shit can get really messed up if done wrong or potentially dangerous as previously mentioned