View Full Version : Servicing and warranty claims

07-10-2010, 02:23 PM
I've just bought a CU2 Euro. I don't do a lot of km - usually around 8000 per year. I note that the service intervals are 10000km or 6 months, whichever comes first. On my previous car, a Mazda 3, the service intervals were the same, but I generally got it serviced every year by the dealer I bought it from. I had some warranty claims with no problems from the dealer.

So, my question: how often do most people get their car serviced? In particular, if you do low km like me, and get the car serviced at longer intervals than 6 months, have you ever had warranty claims refused? Any experiences or comments welcome - thanks!

07-10-2010, 11:44 PM
I've worked at dealerships before and I've had customers, like yourself, who bring their cars in 2-4 months overdue and have had no issues, however saying that if, by some miracle, your vehicle were to seize due to lack of oil and you were overdue for a service it would be deemed negligent on your behalf.
Just bring it to auto tune they do the stamp and are generally a lot cheaper than a honda shop

16-10-2010, 03:08 PM
I guess the best option is to check the warranty wording carefully. Check that the service intervals are recommendations, if it is mandatory for warranty purposes then there is your answer. Otherwise they would be recommendations and as long as you keep en eye on the levels yourself (oil etc...) then you shouldn't have any problems.

13-11-2010, 09:27 PM
Might just point out the same 6 month servicing interval is a bit of a scam really by Honda Australia. The same model in its native country of construction requires double the time, similar to many cars on the road. 6 months as we're are to follow isn't really necessary unless you're doing really short trips or aren't N/A. Regardless, warranty states that it must be a certified mechanic doing the service. The ACCC is very adamant about the fact that you are not required to service at a Honda dealership service. This would undercut the competition heavily. Aslong as they're certified, you can be serviced by third party mechanics and still very much retain your warranty. Thing is though, if you need to run a diagnostic for the ECU for example, third party mechanics will not have the same access to such resources. I'd suggest find a reputable Honda mechanic, otherwise stick to the Honda Dealer Mechanic.