View Full Version : turbo cooling question

03-11-2010, 03:51 PM
hey guys.. i have a question.. I find this pretty hard to believe so ill ask people here..

i have a mate this is theory in regards to cooling turbo or warming up the turbo

"best way to warmup and cool down is to drive around til temps are up
AND these turbos are WATER COOLED hence can turn off right away
oil cooled is where u cannot turn off right away"

is this true or bs.. i have a b18c2 turbo setup..

03-11-2010, 04:01 PM
its best to let the car cool off before shutting down, because say if u give it a good thrashing, chances are oil temp an water temp are gonna be high, an the moment u shut down the engine, the hot oil will cook the turbo bearings, thats the theory, but just like any engine really, its common sense to let the engine have a cool down period, an warm up before letting it loose, just like as if u would compete in a marathon, u would warm up before the event an cool down...

but on a daily basis, it doesnt make a difference weather ur drving from milk bar or shops, ur just wasting petrol letting it idle there thinking that the engine is cooling down, when in fact its getting warmer

in terms of turbo cooling, water cooled turbos generally, have longer life than just plain oil turbo, but in the end, just comes down to how well u treat it really....

03-11-2010, 11:09 PM
most water coolered turbos have both water and oil.

WHen you turn the motor off the turbo still stays hot for a while. That is the purpose of a turbo timer, it keeps the oil & water pumping to cool the turbo down.