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View Full Version : Urgent - Rocker Cover leakage

16-11-2010, 02:27 AM
Hi, i just got my mechanical report from my mechanic today after purchasing my Civic Sport.
He said there is some oil leak from the engine on the Rocker Cover.....
May i ask if anyone knows whether it is a serious matter? should i fix this?
I saw from wikipedia that rocker cover is to stop engine from leaking, if there is some oil on the rocker cover, does it mean the engine oil is leaking?
Is there any way for me to check if it is a NORMAL leak, or an issue that to be fixed? (my mechanic said that might be normal according to the age of the car (2007)....)
Thanks a lot everyone....
P.S. if it is a serious matter, i would have to contact the seller to fix this....but prior that, i would like to hear the opinion from all the experts here before i approach to the seller....

16-11-2010, 06:01 AM
i think thats pretty dam serious mate

16-11-2010, 08:18 AM
Rocker cover...

You should really asked that mechanic who inspected it - problem could be as simple as replacing a seal, or replacing the entire shortblock.. Fingers crossed for you.

16-11-2010, 09:52 AM
Im pretty sure that your mechanic would know best

16-11-2010, 10:14 AM
You would need to talk to your mechanic.. if he hasn't said much about it, maybe take it somewhere else and get a second opinion.

Maybe you need a new rockercover and seal it properly including a new gasket which is cheap..

Good luck man

16-11-2010, 02:11 PM
You would need to talk to your mechanic.. if he hasn't said much about it, maybe take it somewhere else and get a second opinion.

Maybe you need a new rockercover and seal it properly including a new gasket which is cheap..

Good luck man

My mechanic said it is just a small leak, and he said it is normal, he suggests me to wipe that out. And he ranked the condition to be good. But I am just worried about if it is really not a matter in a long one.
Should I replace it? Or wait until next service?
P.S. I bought it from a dealership, so, there is a 3 months warranty. But I want to see if it is a serious matter. And is there any way to test if there is anymore leakage?

16-11-2010, 02:14 PM
Probably to clean and degrease the area around/below the rocker cover and drive around for a few days to check for leaks. Check once a day or so, so you can check how much is leaking and where it is coming from.. I would change it if you have the funds, shouldn't cost much, and should be next to nothing if it is from a dealer.

16-11-2010, 03:03 PM
Probably to clean and degrease the area around/below the rocker cover and drive around for a few days to check for leaks. Check once a day or so, so you can check how much is leaking and where it is coming from.. I would change it if you have the funds, shouldn't cost much, and should be next to nothing if it is from a dealer.

Hi, hmm, in fact, I don't know what is a rocker cover, may I ask what is it?
I read from wikipedia saying that it is the cover of the engine, is it true?
May I ask where is the rocker cover of the 8th Gen civic sport? Is it the cover that for the filling of the engine oil?

And I should have dealership warranty, is it better to leave the dirt of the leak, and accumulate it for a certain time and see if there is more leakage, then I can show to the dealership and request them to fix it?
Thanks a lot
I am so worried.

16-11-2010, 03:03 PM
P.S. I bought it from a dealership, so, there is a 3 months warranty. But I want to see if it is a serious matter. And is there any way to test if there is anymore leakage?
Don't clean it. Bring the car to the dealership, show them the oil/leak and let them fix it up for you. That's what warranty is for.

16-11-2010, 03:57 PM
Don't clean it. Bring the car to the dealership, show them the oil/leak and let them fix it up for you. That's what warranty is for.

The problem is, even for myself, I don't know where is the rocker cover, may I ask where is it? So that I can check for the leaks and show to the dealership?
And so that I can check if there is more leaks daily.
Thanks a lot :)

16-11-2010, 04:35 PM
There should be writing on the rocker cover.. I-VTEC if you have vtec or HONDA or something or other,

The newer models have covers over the actual rocker cover I think so check under the cover.. if you know where your spark plugs are, thats where you'll find your rocker cover

16-11-2010, 04:55 PM
mate just go to the dealership. if u have warranty, use it - anything to do with ur engine (especially leaks) u shud treat pretty seriously lol.... gl buddy

16-11-2010, 10:55 PM
There should be writing on the rocker cover.. I-VTEC if you have vtec or HONDA or something or other,

The newer models have covers over the actual rocker cover I think so check under the cover.. if you know where your spark plugs are, thats where you'll find your rocker cover

Oh, ic, so, rocker cover is the spark plugs covers? ok....then i know is it now.
in fact, i have checked the engine bay by myself after reading the report, but...i couldnt find the oil at all.....maybe i am not the expertise in mechanic....
anyway, i have contact the dealer, and will find a day to get the car to them.
Thanks a lot everyone....
Hmm.....my mechanic said it is normal for car to have some minor leak, is that true?
should i expect to have some leak (as long as the leakage wont form dropping on the ground)? or it shouldnt be any leakage?

17-11-2010, 07:01 AM
There shouldn't be any leakage, especially when its in a newer model car like yours

17-11-2010, 05:04 PM
thx~ i have contact the dealer, and will find a day to go and let the mechanic to have a check and see if there is a need to fix or not.
thx a lot....
as i just bought the car, i am still examining every part of the car, and be so alert to anything i have found, so, quite a lot to ask.....sorry...