View Full Version : DIY Respray Help!

16-12-2010, 12:32 AM
I alrite i wanna respray my da9 in this stuff http://www.supercheapauto.com.au/online-store/products/3M-Acrylic-Paint-Gloss-White.aspx?pid=220392#details its gloss white , i know its Acrylic and some argue about using it but anywho , im not sure about the steps that go along with repsraying is it prettty much sand,clean,prime , wet sand,apply color 3-4 coats then wet sand n polish and stuff?????

i dont want to go to any shops for respray i just want to give it a try n diy =) like my dad says never hurts to try
and this is not gonna happen straight away ive gotta other things planned then late january ill start sanding =P

16-12-2010, 07:34 AM
my only comment would be that its not the HP rating of the compressor, but the size of the air tank. Spraying chews a lot of air, and the last thing you want is to be sitting there waiting for the air to refill for a minute and you have paint drying on the car...

16-12-2010, 09:17 PM
my only comment would be that its not the HP rating of the compressor, but the size of the air tank. Spraying chews a lot of air, and the last thing you want is to be sitting there waiting for the air to refill for a minute and you have paint drying on the car...

40-50L would that be alrite?

18-12-2010, 12:45 AM
bump need help

18-12-2010, 07:44 AM
If your buying from supercheap then, I, being an employee there, would recommend using the Blackridge 200 compressor, which is currently on special with an air hose and spray guns for $200.

the 200 is the one thats suitable for spray painting cars. also with that acrylic stuff, make sure you get the ratio of paint/thinners right, otherwise it won't layer on very well, and will look $H1T.

good luck! any more questions just ask. :)

18-12-2010, 08:09 AM
do it!
i just finished my car using the same paint..
just sand it back till all the paint is sanded, then primer then paint
use tiksie's guide if you want..
but mine turned out awesome.

18-12-2010, 10:39 PM
do it!
i just finished my car using the same paint..
just sand it back till all the paint is sanded, then primer then paint
use tiksie's guide if you want..
but mine turned out awesome.

you got pics of urs ?

19-12-2010, 01:12 AM
http://www.supercheapauto.com.au/online-store/products/SCA-Paint-Gun-Set-4-Piece-Kit-Gravity-Feed.aspx?pid=161673#details these guns seem alrite for 150

22-12-2010, 09:20 PM
look man, to paint your car in acrylic is alot of work.
i will tell you my procedure for it, although i use 2 part paints at work.
I'm assuming your car is in a factory finish in 2 part paint. and you WANT to primer it.

1.wet sand down all the old paint, the aim it to de-gloss it, but dont go through it.
so use like P400-P800.
2.mask the shit out of it cos you dont wanna be cleaning up overspray.
3. wax and grease remover in one hand on a wet rag, dry cloth on the other hand, apply and wipe off, your getting all the was, grease, silicone and anything else off
4.tack rag it to get all the lint and dust off, at the same time used a airgun to slightly blow it off.
5. spray it, generall acrylic primer is 1:1 ratio thicker will cover, but you will get dry spray which is hard to sand. spray it however you want, its acrylic, its solvent based, so it'll melt into the other coat and if you apply heat it'll also soften. so you gotta let it air dry. you normally need around 3-4 coats depending on the situation, if you got body filler on some areas best to give those areas more coats.
now assuming its all done priming

now we get onto prep and paint
1. get a guide coat, black paint and dust it everywhere or 3M has a dry guide, which is black powder.
2. wet sand the primer using a soft-medium block with P400-P600 untill the black is gone
3.mask the whole thing up again.
4. same as priming, wax and grease, tack rag
5. btw, you should have a vapour mask.lol paint it, you can put as many coats as you want, more=better because you dont wanna sand through it later and have to paint it again. i'd go with 6 wet-medium coats.
6. let it all dry. 24hrs at least...

polish time,
1.leave it all masked up, sand it back with a soft block with wet 1200-1500.
2.and then just sand it randomly in a circular motion anywhere you can with 2000
3. take out your polish machine, corse polish, with wool pad and polish. works best with acrylic, acrylic will resoften with solvents, and heat. the aim of the polish is to heat it up, and the same time let the polish take out the deeper scratches. it takes time to polish, you'll know its done when its very glossy.

i think that should be it, missed abit here and there, but its just a small write up.
again, this would by MY ideal way to do it.
i paint cars for a living. its time consuming...

23-12-2010, 01:52 AM
look man, to paint your car in acrylic is alot of work.
i will tell you my procedure for it, although i use 2 part paints at work.
I'm assuming your car is in a factory finish in 2 part paint. and you WANT to primer it.

1.wet sand down all the old paint, the aim it to de-gloss it, but dont go through it.
so use like P400-P800.
2.mask the shit out of it cos you dont wanna be cleaning up overspray.
3. wax and grease remover in one hand on a wet rag, dry cloth on the other hand, apply and wipe off, your getting all the was, grease, silicone and anything else off
4.tack rag it to get all the lint and dust off, at the same time used a airgun to slightly blow it off.
5. spray it, generall acrylic primer is 1:1 ratio thicker will cover, but you will get dry spray which is hard to sand. spray it however you want, its acrylic, its solvent based, so it'll melt into the other coat and if you apply heat it'll also soften. so you gotta let it air dry. you normally need around 3-4 coats depending on the situation, if you got body filler on some areas best to give those areas more coats.
now assuming its all done priming

now we get onto prep and paint
1. get a guide coat, black paint and dust it everywhere or 3M has a dry guide, which is black powder.
2. wet sand the primer using a soft-medium block with P400-P600 untill the black is gone
3.mask the whole thing up again.
4. same as priming, wax and grease, tack rag
5. btw, you should have a vapour mask.lol paint it, you can put as many coats as you want, more=better because you dont wanna sand through it later and have to paint it again. i'd go with 6 wet-medium coats.
6. let it all dry. 24hrs at least...

polish time,
1.leave it all masked up, sand it back with a soft block with wet 1200-1500.
2.and then just sand it randomly in a circular motion anywhere you can with 2000
3. take out your polish machine, corse polish, with wool pad and polish. works best with acrylic, acrylic will resoften with solvents, and heat. the aim of the polish is to heat it up, and the same time let the polish take out the deeper scratches. it takes time to polish, you'll know its done when its very glossy.

i think that should be it, missed abit here and there, but its just a small write up.
again, this would by MY ideal way to do it.
i paint cars for a living. its time consuming...

this is exactly what i needed

23-12-2010, 12:51 PM
get the correct color for your car mixed up and use that - using a different shade of white will just look wierd

23-12-2010, 12:59 PM
If your respraying the whole car, I don't see a problem with using a different shade of white ?

Obviously he doesn't really care about the finish if he is attempting it himself with no prior knowledge of spraying.

26-12-2010, 07:18 AM
1 think to add with buffing up acrylic dont stay in the same spot for to long or it will buff through or leave burn marks you have to work in sections and work the compound polish dont push on the buff let the weight of the buff and the polish do the work. but just a quick thought it would be easier to use 2k paint as you would only need to put 2 coats on and it will stay glossy unlike acrylic which will dull off and you need at least 6-12 coats if your going to cut it back and buff it.
im a painter by trade as well so if you need any advice pm me and id be happy to advise you