View Full Version : DIY CL9 Throttle body coolant bypass

14-01-2011, 04:42 AM
****Disclaimer: The following is provided as a GUIDE ONLY, and neither myself nor Ozhonda take any responsibility for the outcomes of someone else doing the following. You follow these steps at your own risk!****

Before we get started firstly I would like to give a big thank you to shmivic for this DIY.
secondly this is my first DIY so try not to be too harsh =P
also if there are any problems with the DIY please do let me know and i'll edit it so its correct (directed to shmivic but anyone else please do as well)

Aim: Cheap and easy way to decrease the temperature of the throttle body and intake manifold
(also increase your fuel economy =D)

Required: long nose pliers

Pictures are here: http://s973.photobucket.com/albums/ae216/ricerockets_69/


1. So the first step to this mod is to disconnect three hoses; the long hose (labeled A) that connects the inlet of the throttle body to the green zinc coated metal piping. (I loosened the end that was connected to the throttle and disconnected the other end, because if you’re a noob like me and don’t know how to make the coolant pouring out like Niagra falls then this will stop it)


2. Next step is to remove the short hose (labeled B) that connects to the head of the motor itself just above the pipe connected to the radiator and same green metal pipe that you disconnected the long hose from.


3. Next was the medium length hose (labeled C) that connects the black metal pipe that runs underneath the intake manifold to the outlet of the throttle body which is behind the throttle body. (I left both ends attached but loose because of the same reasons with the long hose)



4. Now grab the long hose that you removed/attached loosely and join the black metal pipe to the motor right next to the piping that runs from the radiator. (make sure you work quick because coolant pours out from there)



5. and now using the medium length hose and join the inlet/outlet of the throttle body. (once again work fast as you had the long hose to stop the coolant coming out before and now you don’t)


6. And now you are done. check your coolant and top up accordingly

Other comments:
I found it easier to do this by taking out my battery and intake box, but I think that’s just an optional thing.
also it would prob be better to do this while your engine is cold, since coolant does leak out. wouldnt want hot coolant on your hand now would you?
Once again a massive thanks to shmivic for doing the hard work, I just took pics and did the write up.

Decided to do the "best mod ever" and bypass the coolant lines on my CL9

very easy mod to do - around 45mins.

Test results were recorded over a two day period for control measures and reading taken by a calibrated Raetheon infrared thermal gun.

Day one
Ambient Temp: 30 C
Time: 1pm

Pre mod:
Temp after 1hr freeway drive;

Airbox (GruppeM): 26.2 C
Intake pipe: 27.7 C
T.B: 55.1 C
Manifold: 72.8 C

Day two
Ambient temp 31 C
Time: 1pm

Post mod:

Temp after 1hr freeway drive;

Airbox (GruppeM): 25.9 C
Intake pipe: 27.6 C
T.B: 41.2 C
Manifold: 63.4 C

Average drop of around 10-15 Deg C