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View Full Version : Changing LED in cluster

24-01-2011, 03:26 PM
i have an ek gli 1996. I think it has a stock cluster and i wanted to change the colour of it. I wasnt sure if it was the led itself or the dials that made it orange. Can you guys help me out by confirming and how i would do it if i wanted to make it green =D Thank you

24-01-2011, 03:38 PM
theres a DiY in the DiY forums ... search is your freind

google will also tell you how

24-01-2011, 09:33 PM
theres a DiY in the DiY forums ... search is your freind

google will also tell you how

but can it be done on an ek?

24-01-2011, 09:47 PM
can it be done to a dc2r??

24-01-2011, 09:49 PM
pretty sure u can do it in any car just take out the cluster and change the LEDs

24-01-2011, 10:32 PM
there just normal globes in the back that can easily be changed to led's on any car

24-01-2011, 10:40 PM
Yeh it's really easy just buy the globes from the markets. I always see them there small packs of 4 or 5 for around 8 dollars I believe. Then just replace them with the current bulbs making sure you get the polarity right and you will be fine

24-01-2011, 10:44 PM
A quick tip though, change 1 L.E.D at a time, and turn on the cluster to see if its working. Because there is a positive and a negative side, it may be put around the wrong way. I learnt the hard way by swearing 1000 times until I realised that this was the problem. So if it doesn't work first time, flip it around and see if it works.
Also be sure not to damage the thin electric film that goes around the cluster. This gives power to the bulbs and if you damage it then you may **** up the lights for good.

24-01-2011, 10:57 PM
pretty sure its the bulbs that are colored for the cluster. dc2/4 are definately coloured bulbs. MAKE SURE you buy 360 degree bright bulbs dont cheap out on it they WILL look like shit. i have crappy LED ones installed in mine and it all diffrent level of brightness across my whole dash. if your ghetto you can get a texta to colour the bulbs, it works like tint lols

25-01-2011, 10:55 PM
ty for all replies.. i hope its the bulbs that are coloured and not the film in the cluster.. will experiment sooon =]

29-01-2011, 02:40 PM
ive done it on my ek, got my LED's from jay car . about up spent like 13bucks

29-01-2011, 03:44 PM
Just buy the bulbs from eBay, I think the size you're after is T5

17-03-2011, 08:38 PM
Hey guys the orange colour coming from my ek cluster is actually a film behind the dials. I want to make my light green. If it was red then it would be easier but i want to make my dash light up green. The only way now that i know how to do it , is by taking apart my cluster and using acetone on the back of the dials to rub of the film/paint that makes it orange. Just wondering if any of you guys took apart your clusters and had any problems. I dont think i have th emoney to buy a new cluster if i **** up any of the needles or permanently blacking out my lights. ><