View Full Version : engine mounts for k20a / dc5 luxury

09-02-2011, 06:19 PM
hey guys,

so on my Type S i have upgraded to solid mounts; Hasport.

On my DC5 Luxury, i noticed that when I take off, it has a bit of stutter.lag before it gets going, this is all on the passenger side. Anyways, I had a look at the engine bay just then and there is a cracked mount on the passenger side.

Now I am not sure what I want to do, should I spend the extra money, and get the mounts and have them installed. Its going to cost me roughly $700-750 for all of this installed.

I also plan on upgrading the engine to a k20a, either AUDm or JDM model, but this wont be done until the engine is well and trully dead. Now its got about 143k klm on it, so the engine defiantely has a few more hundred thousand left to go. So its really going to be awhile before I need an engine overhaul.

I also have OEM engine mounts at home, but the cost of getting the mounts installed, $200-$250 .. I might as well do it once and properly; solid mounts. I also know the OEM mounts are quite vulnerable.

What would do you in this position?

** The car is strictly a daily driver
** The car never gets driven hard
** The car is automatic

Would you:

a) let it be (I also would like to know the consequences of driving for awhile with a cracked engine mount)

B) Install my 64k klm OEM Type S mounts

c) Purchase Hasport mounts

B and C will cost the most.


09-02-2011, 06:23 PM
Cracked engine mounts, destroys-
cv joints

think about it, when engine is rocking back and forth it stretches and wears most things out.

With me, it destroyed my cv joints, my radio wiring, and who knows what. So go with quality PU, should set you for life then.

Dont cheap out.

09-02-2011, 07:14 PM
Tbh, it doesnt rock that much....

Anyways... Just
Cos im 95% sure... Help me be 100% sure... Mounts for dc5.. Where its k20a2/3 and k20z1 are all the same yes? Im just gonna do it properly and get solid mounts as i plan to install a k20a2 and manual conversion in future..