View Full Version : fuel leaking

26-01-2005, 05:26 PM
my car has been stinking of fuel recently, it doesn't happen all the times, mostly in the morning when I start the car for the first time of the day but not during driving. one morning, I noticed the odor was there again so I look under my car and saw a drop coming out of the engine bay, I drive my car forward and go back to that patch of liquid, touch it with my finger and smell. and to my surprise it smell of fuel, I checked it again during the day but nothing comes out anymore.
any help would be appreciated

26-01-2005, 08:28 PM
could be your fuel line/hose or even the fuel pump, take it to a mechanic as soon as you can, not good

27-01-2005, 04:15 PM
I had it there for the overheating thread but they couldn't find anything, they checked around the hose and the fuel pump but no trace of fuel.
I don't know what's going on either but they told me to take it back there whenever it's leaking again.

27-01-2005, 06:38 PM
Does this only happen when your tanks really full?
I found with my CRX that sometimes when it is full/max and a hot day I do on the odd occaision get a slight petrol smell. One time on a really hot day 46 degrees (Perth summer) I had a full tank of petrol and I took the cap off - fuel bubbled out. I think this problem maybe with the bladder (float) in the fuel tank.

Resolved the issue by not filling tank up to the max during hot days.

27-01-2005, 07:11 PM
is your using a cabby? Sound like u need to take it to a cabby specialist. They can fix the problem.

27-01-2005, 11:11 PM
yeah it's a dual cabby, what r u referring to as cabby specialist? u know any in melbourne? cos mechanics don't mention themselves as cabby specialist I think, do they?

28-01-2005, 04:36 PM
Carbies have a tendency to burn alittle rich especially in the morning, but your carbies may be leaking. Get it looked at at another place. I'm sure if you get enough quotes you can pick the majority of solutions your get and you should be able to figure a good price from it all.

Learnt this from a dodgey friend who always took the car to a mechanic to get a quote and ask what was wrong and then went home and tried to fix it himself.