View Full Version : Carbon sludge buildup in muffler

27-03-2011, 08:11 PM
Please do not close this thread... i have tried and tried to research and have found nothing.

Anyway, i've been running an aftermarket axleback and thought the inside of it was supposed to be black! But then today i accidently sprayed it with a high pressure hose and carbon sludge went flying everywhere. Got some paper towels and wiped off as much as possible so now it's silver. I can't get into the inner part of the muffler as it's too narrow. I went for a quick drive afterwards to see if there was any difference and noticed the sound now has changed, it is less deep. Is having this carbon buildup bad for the muffler? Does the carbon alter the sound? Should i get rid of the sludge or just leave it as it is


27-03-2011, 08:16 PM
read through my thread and see if it helps


27-03-2011, 08:22 PM
Ahh ok that answers some of my questions, thanks mate.

Just curious as to the change in sound when i removed the thick wall of 'soot' from the inside wall

27-03-2011, 09:59 PM
carbon build up does keep the sound to a nice low growl - but the sludge is bad

eventually it does get louder and the build up gets so bad that it just drones like a dog and the muffler needs to be replaced

27-03-2011, 10:26 PM
ahh... feck lol its become more fartier! :(

ever since i've put it on, some days it's loud, some days its quiet. had no idea why, must be something to do with having long/high revving drives to clear the sludge

27-03-2011, 10:49 PM
its also effected by condensation on cold mornings etc as well

mufflers dont last forever - after a couple of years they do wear out

28-03-2011, 02:02 AM
My exhaust sounds real raspy these days when its cold. So annoying, is yours Xforce? Swear they don't last long.

28-03-2011, 06:20 AM
Mine is some random brand. On cold mornings it has a nice loud deep tone. Sometimes its so quiet it sounds stock tho

28-03-2011, 09:53 AM
i have xforce - mine drones after a long drive

28-03-2011, 04:51 PM
Degreaser + hose + metal polish = shine

28-03-2011, 06:12 PM
shine yes - effect sound - no lol

28-03-2011, 08:51 PM
Ever since i cleaned it i got this stupid farting noise! dammit i need more carbon sludge!

oh and will i break something if i shoot high pressure hose into the muffler lol

28-03-2011, 10:12 PM
No you won't if you don't put several litres in there. A bit of water is no problem.