View Full Version : Custom exhaust OR Fujitsubo/J'S Racing?

04-06-2011, 07:54 PM
Just a noobie question guys,

I have a DC5R with some buddyclub headers on already just wondering how much would you guys expect to pay to have a custom exhaust from the headers back 2.5" all the way ? So i'm only after a custom 2.5" system excluding the header

Also would you's say a custom system is better then lets say a fujitsubo catback? as i'm tossing up between a JDM branded catback ie fgk or j's racing to a custom exhaust 2.5" straight through from like performance exhaust?

What would you guys recommend?

05-06-2011, 07:31 PM
anyone guys? premade or custom

05-06-2011, 07:39 PM
i would reccommend pre-made due to it being a tested system that has been proven to make performance gains where as custom is just what the shop decides to weld up for you..

one other bonus with a premade is, if you decide to sell you can get some money back on it..... customs you may as well throw the thing away.

thats my opinion anyway..

goodluck dude

05-06-2011, 08:21 PM
Inn terms of performance, I'd say there is much in it. I'd say stick around for a decent used set as they quite often come up between 400-700 area, depending on cond, brand etc....

To make up a stainless cat back with a decent muffler (not cheap ebay) will cost you around 500 anyway.

PS, I have recently seen a set of Buddy Clubs in the FS area not too long ago :)

05-06-2011, 11:08 PM
For a DC5R I'd go a pre-fab dude. If it was an EG running a D-series I'd go cheap custom lol.

06-06-2011, 08:10 PM
I got a mate with an NA s13. He just had a full header back made up for him and + headers all up cost him around a grand and it sounds like dog. (he thinks its cool =S)
I'd go jap R&D anyday.

06-06-2011, 11:59 PM
rather spend abit more on something branded knowing you can resell it and enjoy it more than a custom exhaust which can be a hit and miss. quiet cannon would be the fgk, gets louder and louder so its good to get past the boys in blue without getting pulled over ;). Toda and js racing is also good aswell.

09-06-2011, 01:00 PM
All I will say is Jap - just go figure