View Full Version : Coilovers or springs?

09-07-2011, 08:07 PM
In time I'll need to lower my EK1 when I get my new set of 15x7's, just wondering what's the advantages and disadvantages of the both? Coilovers can be expensive but the BC systems seem like the best bang for your buck, though springs can be a cheaper option too. King springs seem like the main ones being used, though what are the other spring brands like compared?

09-07-2011, 08:35 PM
Don't mean to be an arsehole or put you off mate, but try to do a search first before you post as there are numerous threads on this topic and the Mods will just burn you for it.

I'll give you my 2cents anyway. Lowered springs are the more affordable option, people will always recomend upgrading your shocks aswell if your going to drop it any more than 2 or 2.5 inches so your stock shocks don't die. There are plenty of different brands out there, i had a set of tein s tech springs on my ek, they made the car sit flatter through corners and were still comfy but not low enough in the end. Coilovers are going to give you a firmer ride but you will also have adjustability with height and usually damper as well which is handy so you can get the exact ride height you want. However i think you would be better off buying a decent set of shocks/springs rather than an entry level set of coilovers, for street use that is. If your going to track the car then go coilovers but get a decent set so they last

09-07-2011, 08:49 PM
I think I'll go down the shocks/springs route, I'm after a sensible ride height (what would you recommend?)

09-07-2011, 09:17 PM
I dont recommend springs/shocks just for the fact that you will not be able to get exactly the drop you want. It will more than likely be a compromise.

09-07-2011, 09:41 PM
I had bc's on my old car. They provide a rough ride in my opinion anyway. But they are very adjustable, I set it to lowest level and my car pretty much looked like it was crawling across the ground. You can adjust it to whatever height though. Other than that i had my car with them on it for 3 years with daily driving and there were no problems with them, except for the rough ride. I'm thinking about tein super streets, good quality and i heard they aren't so rough, but i just want it for daily driving. But i would go for coil overs over shocks and springs just because of the adjustability... my 2 cents...

09-07-2011, 10:08 PM
If you aren't rolling in money just get king springs (does the job just like any other springs for less buck). Like a quarter of the price of coilovers. If your shocks still strong it'll last forever. Worst case the shocks blow, then find someone with a wrecked car and buy their shocks for cheap, or grab the cheap $50 shocks that ozhonda members sell every once in a while.

09-07-2011, 11:51 PM
The harshness will have a lot to do with the stiffness of the springs as well as the shocks.

My GC sleeves have Eibach springs with 6.7 kg/mm front and 4.5 kg/mm rear springs.
Compare that to ~4 kg/mm front and ~3 kg/mm rears its not a huge increase. That and the Tokico blue shocks do a very nice job with ride quality and a decent job with handling.

10-07-2011, 08:45 AM
If you go with shocks and springs then you should get a set of koni shocks that can adjust the ride height from the lower perch. And then a set of lowered springs. As said above king springs will do the job and are quite cheap. If I were you I would still replace your stock shocks if you put lowered springs in. It's just best to do it right the first time. A set of height adjustable and damper adjustable Koni shocks with a set of king or even tein springs (which aren't much more) would be a good set up for you IMO.

10-07-2011, 04:10 PM
Springs for looks, coilovers for performance.

Don't buy coilovers just to drop your car.

10-07-2011, 04:36 PM
So the shocks/springs option is ideal for daily driving? Though I know of lots
Of civics running coilovers for daily use.

10-07-2011, 05:26 PM
i've ran both shocks & springs and coilovers for my eg...while shocks & springs are good enough (provided they match with each other), coilovers offer more flexibility...

10-07-2011, 05:35 PM
i reckon dont waste ure money on springs and just save up for coil overs

10-07-2011, 06:31 PM
Trying to not spend too much on my car, the most affordable
Coilover system I can think of is BC for around $1200-$1300. how much would i expect to pay For decent shocks?

10-07-2011, 09:05 PM
Trying to not spend too much on my car, the most affordable
Coilover system I can think of is BC for around $1200-$1300. how much would i expect to pay For decent shocks?

For memory I think Koni yellows are about 6 or 7 hundred. If you buy those with half decent springs you should spend under 1K easily. I can't be bothered checking though as I'm on my phone lol just do a quick google search.

10-07-2011, 09:28 PM
the problem with shock & spring combo is getting the right match (mainly spring rates), could be too soft or too stiff...with coilovers u have a matched up shocks & spring rate which would work perfectly straight away...

10-07-2011, 09:37 PM
definitely coilovers. Adjust where you want and, bonus if you get ones that are damper adjustable. Plus when you get defected you can raise it back up.

10-07-2011, 09:40 PM
When you get defected, you would probably have to change them out, depending on the state you are in.

SA for example, you cant be able to lower it lower than legal, so there must be something that doesnt allow the perch to go that low, such as a weld on the thread.

10-07-2011, 10:55 PM
Seems as though for an extra $300 I can get the right spring & shock combo (coilovers) I wonder what pedders are like...

10-07-2011, 11:33 PM
Pedders coilovers, or shocks alone? From experience and other opinions they are not worth your coin.

If you can deal with stiff suspension (you do get used to it) coilovers are a lot of fun. You can get a second hand set of good coilovers for much less than $1300, probably more like $600-800.

Aim for something with a reasonably sensible spring rate like 8kg/6kg. Height adjustable is great, especially if they are threaded sleeves, whereas the ring-type sleeves are a bit of a nuisance.
Damper adjustable setups are nice but not something I've ever bothered with because I don't do track work at this point and I doubt many people can feel the difference between all of those 16 or 32 settings lol.

If you buy new shocks + springs you will be out of pocket enough to easily afford a set of coilovers. I have Bilstein coilovers on both my daily Civic and my CRX project. They're stiff, but still quite comfortable. Both ring-type height adjustment (once you get it right, it's fine just leave it) and neither damper adjustable. I paid $600 for each set delivered from Japan, used but good condition. And they can be rebuilt locally.

For daily driving you could consider something like Skunk2 Pro S. They're height adjustable (threaded) and 8kg/6kg. Stiff but not ridiculous.

11-07-2011, 06:40 PM
Awesome, shocks would mainly be $500-$600+? and the springs would be a couple of a hundred too, makes sense to buy coilovers for just that little bit more.

11-07-2011, 07:28 PM
They won't cost more unless you buy brand new, which you don't need to.

Springs (depending on which ones) are usually $240-400. Shocks I have no idea. Just buy second hand coilovers and it'll be cheaper and better. But only if you're happy to drive stiff :)

11-07-2011, 08:06 PM
i have the damper setting on my bc racing on max and its not that stiff

12-07-2011, 09:36 PM
i have the damper setting on my bc racing on max and its not that stiff

You must have replaced your seat with a bean bag lol

12-07-2011, 09:38 PM
lol. could be the big 50 profile tyres i got flexing

12-07-2011, 10:05 PM
Ukley you like things a bit rougher than most though.

I haven't had experience with matching a spring and shock but the sheer convenience of adjustable coilovers is something I'll preach til I lose my voice.

13-07-2011, 02:41 PM

You get what you pay for. Because coilovers are adjustable it makes it that much easier for them to achieve the look and feel you want from a suspension set up. You might spend a few hundred on springs and not be satisfied with how your car sits, get defected and have to fork out more money on a new setup or going back to your stock one.
Fork out the extra money, do it once, do it right and save yourself in the long run.
That's how I view it anyway.

13-07-2011, 06:04 PM
Coilovers may be the way to go for me

19-07-2011, 07:08 PM

Act_gooner is right. Fork out the extra money, do it once, do it right and save yourself in the long run.
Im very much convinced that coilovers is choice for adjustable ride height anytime you want.

You buy the lowered springs.
a) is not lower enough; so you sell em to get much lower ones
b) heaps lower u get defected and on the search if you havent sold em to get your stock ones back in.

You buy coilovers however and you set em to firstly as low as the correct legal limit.
And still be able to take corners without it feeling like a boat everywhere.

As for coilover choice i had some really hard coilovers which didnt make it all too comfortable for the passenger/driver.
Since changing to Tien Super Streets im won over.

19-07-2011, 08:04 PM
^^ you beat me to it GEE

20-07-2011, 09:15 PM
skunk2 sleeves and skunk2 sports shocks, 8kg front & 6kg rear. that is my current setup its great.

22-07-2011, 12:36 AM
Im running Kmacs springs with GAB damper adjustable shocks.
They feel really good and sorta cheaper... but alot more expensive then kingsprings + oem..
They do sit at the height i want but i just want that front a bit lower! ( thats the only negative point for buying springs)

Other wise... as a daily with sensible height i think springs will be the better choice.
ps: i hate kings get other than kings

22-07-2011, 02:29 PM
My 2cents
Currently my DC5 are running on Buddy Club Racing Spec Dampers, and i can tell you. The most unsatisfying ride ever! you can feel every bump every cranny, and it's just horrible. I would stick to spring's if it's a daily ride, my personal opinion anyway's.

22-07-2011, 09:07 PM
Do all of you cheap coilover peeps have girlfriends/wives?
Even if you can live the harsh ride, your partner (unless she is a skank or crack ho) will hate you for it.

Bottom line is if you want a good street daily setup, then get Spring/shock combo which will be cheaper than even cheap coils(Koni/Tokiko/Bilstein etc... and a good spring (not Kings IMO).

If you want a weekend track car then you can use cheap coilovers if you like.

Third choice is expensive coilovers, which give the best of both worlds. Expect to pay at least $3K new.

22-07-2011, 09:18 PM
My point of view, i see getting shocks is like getting 3rd party insurance you rather go all the way and get premium insurance ( coilovers) More options and its for the better. But it all comes down to your budget. You do love your car right all hondas deserve the best=]