View Full Version : [CL9] URGENT! Mystery fluid leak after service

30-07-2011, 05:15 PM
Guys I really need your opinions, I had my car serviced last Monday (90K service plus wheel alignment and A/T fluid change). Just yesterday I noticed a liquid leaking from the back of the car. At first I thought it was water from the A/C condenser however puddles that have formed from a few days ago have not evaporated (so not water or petrol).

Under the boot (on the underside of the car) there is a like a plastic cover thing that probably protects against scrapes. There are holes at the front of this cover (just behind where the exhaust pipe splits into two) that are leaking a fluid - it is clear to slightly golden, with no obvious odour. Viscosity is somewhere between cooking oil and honey, it doesn't run but is definitely not as defined a droplet as water. About one drop every ten seconds or so.

I'll reiterate that leak does not appear to be coming from anywhere near the front of the car where the mechanicals are.

I have called the mechanics to let them know but obviously they are not in on weekends. They are good guys and I'm sure they will fix it up for free on Monday, but what I want to know is what is the fluid (I'm guessing some kind of oil by the observed physical properties - hasn't flashed off, reasonable thick and clear etc), and is it safe to continue driving in the meantime?

Your swift response would be much appreciated!

30-07-2011, 05:33 PM
Amber fluid? back of the car?
You got a brake leak... probably

30-07-2011, 06:02 PM
=/ awesome. Approximate cause of the problem and cost to fix? Know nothing about how this could have happened given they just checked the car...

30-07-2011, 06:37 PM
that depends, jsut take it to a mechanic... pronto.

01-08-2011, 11:56 AM
How irritating... it turns out the leak was from a half-used bottle of engine oil I had no intention of using or throwing away. The cap managed to untwist itself and engine oil is all over my boot =/

The mechanics offered to degrease the bottom of my car free of charge though, bless them.

01-08-2011, 12:04 PM
ousshhh lol lucky!