View Full Version : Euro sales have gone crazy...

09-02-2005, 08:07 PM
Look at the figures - 1157 in January 2005 - that is in THAT month ONLY. Depressing - I have told too many people how good a car it is.... :(


09-02-2005, 08:40 PM
I myself am a little on the selfish side.....I hate to see other Euro's on the road that are driven by old codgers, or mutton dressed up as lamb.

When I bought it over a year ago I was wrapped because they were still rare....then I car pooled and my passenger would make a game of counting other Euros. Shit me off no end that did! .:mad:

And now there's a work colleague who's looking at a new car. Either an XR6, Mazda SP23 or Mazda 6. I've no desire to see another Euro in the work parking lot so I'm not making any suggestions at all. Keeping my mouth shut actually and trying to sell him on the 6 .:rolleyes:

I know that increased sales is an inevitability but I was pissed by Honda's marketing types using all 2004 buyers as guinea pigs for the upgraded 2005 model. So I'm doing all I can to maintain the "unique" status of my ride. All the more reason to mod and shave!!! :D

But I always welcome new owners and members to the online community, as obviously they have an appreciation for their chosen car and are far from the blue rinse brigade. ;)

09-02-2005, 08:48 PM
Nicely said - i sometimes see Euros driven by people who I am 100% sure will never push the car around a corner or ever hit more than 5000rpm.

The engine cries out for 7000rpm - just cruel...

The changes in the 05 model are no biggie. I just read in the paper today that all new model BMWs will come with run flat tyres - no spare! What a joke! For those of you who don't know run flat tyres - you can only travel around 250kms before you need to get them repaired. Fine in the city - but major pain in the ass if you are on a long trip or driving outside normal tyre shop hours.

09-02-2005, 09:23 PM
Hehe, parked next to a dark red Euro while playing with the compost heap cats. The owner had changed the tires to 225/50 R16's on the stock rim. Eventually he came back to his car and we chatted about it. He was about middle age. I told him, "many people think this car is similar to the regular Accord". He rebutts saying "You know the TSX? This car is what Lexus is to Toyota. It is no ordinary car. Did you get the manual too?" Hahaha, then he goes on "Every car I have owned is a manual, otherwise you can't enjoy it". We then left the place, his parting words to me, "By the way, nice car!", with a laugh. And on the way to the exit gate, we were joined by a black Euro!
He takes the corner first, me behind him, shifting into 2nd (2000rpm), and I give it more gas, and see him still accelerating off away from me! Woot?!?! he must have been at over 4000rpm!
Woohoo! What a day!

09-02-2005, 09:32 PM
Very cruel indeed.

Not a day goes by where I don't (responsibly and judiciously) blast through the signed limit at least once momentarily just so I can shift at redline in both 1st and 2nd gear (if the road permits, the radar reports and oncoming drivers indicate all ahead clear maybe even redline for 3rd, 4th, and 5th). The whole potential of the engine lives above 3000rpm, and I'm sure everyone near me at a set of traffic lights must think I'm a wanker when I take off like I'm racing them, or hook around a tight corner with the tyres chirping for grip. Thing is I don't care. They need to drive a Euro (or any high revving, rigid chassis Honda) to understand. And that's something an auto driving, non-sport shifting retiree named Vincent or Doris (no offence if you're named either) will ever likely experience, or allow their car to indulge in.

Something tells me that I and many other people here would be very frustrated Porsche, Ferrari, AMG or M3/5 drivers.

But I've digressed and turned this into a rant. For the sales figures I must say well done Honda Australia increased sales can only bring good flow on effects (generally speaking) to the consumer in this limited local market by opening the potential to increase the diversity of the future product line. But as an owner I just hope the majority of these 1157 buyers are in the target market equivalent to that in the US for the TSX. Alas from what I've seen on the roads the answer to that is a resounding NO!.

Rant over :D

09-02-2005, 10:41 PM
With Matell on this, man it's gonna be like seeing commodores everywhere LOL..

I was at Burwood Highway in Burwood, 3 lanes, I was in the middle lane, on my left, a grey Euro, on my right, a black Euro... Now tell me... 3 different coloured Euros lining up in front of the traffic lights.... You don't even see it happen to the same model Commodore or Falcon....

But HECK! There's still a waiting list for em' Euros! WOOOOT!

09-02-2005, 11:01 PM
I feel the same way too. It's becomming an asian Commodore. I was at a parking lot in Box Hill (high asian population) and there were 3-4 Euro's within viewing distance. Now that's depressing...

09-02-2005, 11:27 PM
thats why u whack a mugen/euro R kit on it, lower it and get 18/19" rims
stand out from the codgers

09-02-2005, 11:27 PM
well they are one hot looking car, who wouldnt want one.. esp the price has dropped too

10-02-2005, 08:01 AM
its a nice car..and its true..so many of them around..you thought the toyota camry was popular..the honda accord euro is going to become the toyota camry :rolleyes: ...thats right make it look different..slap some nice ass wheels on it and dump it :cool:

10-02-2005, 08:19 AM
Camry??? Commonwhore???? :( Awwweeee shit hand me a gun now! I need to euthanaise myself (or go around reducing the population of car salesman ;) ) I need a pay rise so I can save for both the genuine Mugen kit and some Volk CE28N's at the same time......But then it'll just be an asian HSV!!!!! Even worse!!!! Noooooooooooooooooooooo [<BANG> and the room fills with a puff of pink mist] :p

10-02-2005, 10:13 AM
Matell! Matell! NOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! !

10-02-2005, 11:48 AM
Too late;) . That shaken can of red Fanta in a Toyota drink cooler in front of a HSV calandar was just asking for it!!! And of course the projectile had a :honda: for Honda on it! :) Alright, now this has just become too stupid. Shutting up now. :D

10-02-2005, 01:36 PM
I've seen so many Euros on Coronations drive you can't believe. On any given time there's at least 5 Euros on that stretch of road.

I remember one time I was driving and there's a white Euro infront of me, a black behind me, a graphite beside me and 2 Euros coming from other direction.

shit, it's like a mini Euro cruise meet!!

10-02-2005, 01:57 PM
Yeah. I drive Milton Rd daily to the Western Freeway and it's much the same as you described Coro drive being. :(

10-02-2005, 03:03 PM
Euro rulessssssss......

10-02-2005, 04:38 PM
Same here at Wickham Street in the Valley. So many Euros around.