View Full Version : 03 Euro badges

22-08-2011, 10:22 PM
hey guys, im new here from perth, just bought my first car, an 03 accord euro, worked bloody hard too get enough dough too buy it aha, i was just wondering about the back badges, is it hard too take them off? how would i go about doing so? and does the 03 model have holes behind the badge, or are they just stick on? i want my car looking clean :) thanks guys

24-08-2011, 11:05 AM
i know the "accord" and "euro" badge are stuck on by double sided tape since ive taken mine off already used fishing line and "cut" (sorry cant actually figure out what to refer it as) the badges off, most likely will leave some sticky residue after taking off the tape i just went over mine with a rag and some meguiars compound

25-08-2011, 04:34 PM
sweet as man thanks heaps!