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View Full Version : NSW Who is the wanker? Me or The Cop

08-09-2011, 03:43 PM
Hey Guys

So i received my first ever driving offence today and no better place to ask if im being a wanker and should just get over it or was the cop being a wanker and in the bad mood.

So got fined for not having my seat belt on. $265 and 3 demerit points.

Pulled out of my work drive way in Gordon on Wade Lane with out my selt belt on, im sure we have all done it before, then i had my selt belt on like 2 seconds later as i was driving up the road.
Next street along Park Ave about 500m away, i get pulled over by a under cover cop. Comes up and says

Officer - "We have you on video not wearing your seat belt, do u have any reason for not wearing your seat belt."
Me - "No, i just pulled out of my driveway by the time u pulled me over i had my selt belt on"
Officer - "Well we saw you with out your selt belt so were gonna have to fine you"
Me - "Are you serious? This would be my first driving offence in 7 years and i had my selt belt on with in 5 seconds of me pulling out of my driveway"
Officer - " What if a car had hit you coming straight out of ur drive way, we are just doing our jobs and looking out for your safety"

Comes back with this massive fine and i loose 3 demerit points. Is that shit house or what. Not gonna fight it cause technically i was in the wrong i know that. But what an ass hole cop, so many worse things out there then this crap.

Am i being a wanker and should just get over it or was the cop just a fag.

08-09-2011, 03:50 PM
You're a wanker. You deserve it.

08-09-2011, 03:58 PM
you will know next time wont you to fix that lazy habit of yours

08-09-2011, 04:00 PM
cop being a wanker..

u must of got him on a bad day.. I've been pulled over for the same thing just outside my work at olympic park and i told the cop similar story to yours my first fine in 6 years of driving. but the cop let me off just telling me to not do it agian.. and ever since i always put my belt first before i even start the car LOL!

but its wrong :)

08-09-2011, 04:01 PM
nah didnt even bother fighting him cause he was just in a bad mood from the word go.

just find it shit how i then had to drive through a school zone and people were going about 60-70 in a 40 zone and i get pinned for not wearing my seat belt for that 2 seconds as i pulled out of the drive way.

08-09-2011, 04:02 PM
Buy a takata harness

I bet you'll put that on everytime won't you.

But in all seriousness shouldn't have admitted anything

08-09-2011, 04:02 PM
should put on the seatbelt whenever u get in and start the car, its common sense!

08-09-2011, 04:14 PM
Sorry mate it's common sense. Yes we all have done it - but if i got caught I wouldn't make a thread about it because i would look like ...umm....a wanker lol.

Learn for next time champ !

08-09-2011, 04:17 PM
you and the cop are being wankers.
cop being a wanker cos overcharged you and the points..

08-09-2011, 04:17 PM
cops being unreasonable. yes its the law, yes you technically were wrong, but you had every intention of putting on your seatbelt and any reasonable cop woulda left you with a warning.

08-09-2011, 04:19 PM
i can underdstand your frustration of being fined n whatever. your not a wanker so to speak. you are however in the wrong. the second you start that car your seatbelt should be on. its common sence..

my 2c

08-09-2011, 04:20 PM
Couldn't you ask to watch the video before he booked you, so you can see for urself?

08-09-2011, 04:46 PM
in vic by law you are not required to wear the seltbelt when you are reversing the vehicle or if you aren't travelling over 25km/h. how fast were u driving when you put on the seltbeat? maybe check the road rules in nsw.

08-09-2011, 04:54 PM
Take it to court & contest it.
If what you say is correct, then the cop's video will show this.
Meaning he will not be able to prove you did anything dangerous or set out to break any laws.
& in that case, you'll just get off with a warning (& keep your coin)

08-09-2011, 05:24 PM
The ticket doesnt even give u option to take it to court, I once got a parking fine and it had little option saying i could contest it so i thought this would be the same.
plus i dont really have the time to be taking it to court. Im going away so often at the moment and always travelling to and from places. and is it really worth taking to court for 200 bucks.
I realise i was in the wrong but never set out to do anything wrong just thought id get peoples opinion on this, everyone obviously has mixed views.

08-09-2011, 06:15 PM
in vic by law you are not required to wear the seltbelt when you are reversing the vehicle or if you aren't travelling over 25km/h. how fast were u driving when you put on the seltbeat? maybe check the road rules in nsw.

So that means every time I come up to a red light, stop sign, give way sign etc I can take my seat belt off as soon as I drop under 25km/h?

Don't think so. If you're on a public road, driving, you are required to wear a seat belt.

09-09-2011, 01:39 AM
The ticket doesnt even give u option to take it to court, I once got a parking fine and it had little option saying i could contest it so i thought this would be the same.
plus i dont really have the time to be taking it to court. Im going away so often at the moment and always travelling to and from places. and is it really worth taking to court for 200 bucks.
I realise i was in the wrong but never set out to do anything wrong just thought id get peoples opinion on this, everyone obviously has mixed views.

Regardless if you took it to court or not, your admission by word is likely recorded.

Id write a letter to another wanker who might be able to get you off the fine. Write one to the Sargeant at his station, and CC the cop into it. Be nice, you may get off.

09-09-2011, 01:40 AM
The ticket doesnt even give u option to take it to court, I once got a parking fine and it had little option saying i could contest it so i thought this would be the same.
plus i dont really have the time to be taking it to court. Im going away so often at the moment and always travelling to and from places. and is it really worth taking to court for 200 bucks.
I realise i was in the wrong but never set out to do anything wrong just thought id get peoples opinion on this, everyone obviously has mixed views.

Regardless if you took it to court or not, your admission by word is likely recorded.

Id write a letter to another wanker who might be able to get you off the fine. Write one to the Sargeant at his station, and CC the cop into it. Be nice, you may get off.

09-09-2011, 09:03 AM
He may not have video surveillance, but most definately have you admitting fault on audio now. You wont win your court case.

U commited he offence, just unlucky you got caught

09-09-2011, 10:58 AM
your a wanker. his just doing his job.

09-09-2011, 12:40 PM
Lol'd at this.. It's sad to say that you clearly broke the law and even tho you corrected yourself quickly by placing the belt on it was unlucky for you that the cop was hanging around and saw you

All in all, you could prob hang in there and go to seek justice at the court house for this offense and properly loose the whole case and pay additional fees.. My answer to this would be loose the 3 points and accept where u f'd up then pay the fine and have it done and over with... If you only have 3 points left and this offense made u loose your license then I would defiantly appeal this (but it's a pretty minor fine, if you consider a p plate driver not driving with p plates on here in Sydney is a $201.00 fine and can result in loss of license) lol

Just my 2c man

09-09-2011, 01:09 PM
LD_mart must be from indonesia.
hahaha jkjk. im indo.

09-09-2011, 01:14 PM
bad luck, better luck next time.

09-09-2011, 01:28 PM

(2) A person in or on a motor vehicle is exempt from wearing a seatbelt if:

(a) the person is engaged in the door-to-door delivery or collection of goods, or in the collection of waste or garbage, and is required to get in or out of the vehicle, or on or off the vehicle, at frequent intervals, and

(b) the vehicle is not travelling over 25 kilometres per hour.

Interesting... unless this rule was repealed in the last 3 years...

09-09-2011, 03:00 PM
So that means every time I come up to a red light, stop sign, give way sign etc I can take my seat belt off as soon as I drop under 25km/h?

Don't think so. If you're on a public road, driving, you are required to wear a seat belt.

from VicRoads website:

There are some circumstances in which a person may be exempt from wearing a seatbelt, such as when the driver is reversing the vehicle, or is engaged in the door-to-door delivery or collection of goods or garbage and is travelling under 25 km/h.

Obviously if you are at a give way sign or red light etc you wont take off ur seatbelt, that comment was ridiculous.
The topic was about him getting out of his driveway and driving down the street. As long as its under 25km/h from what he was doing then it should be fine. If you were to contest this within court you would ask what a reasonable man would do in that situation. For all you know he maybe in a rush that morning for work. Getting out of his driveway and putting on his seatbelt whilst driving down the street wouldn't be a problem in the court of law at all. I believe that their already is precedent for this type of case, all you have to do is search on google for case files pertaining the similar situation and contest this it in court and claim damages (for the money lost from work for attending court) maybe even negligence from the police officer for giving you a fine. Most cops will save they have you on tape, they tend to twist their words to make it sound different to intimidate you. For all you know he must of had a vid capture of you reversing out.

09-09-2011, 04:13 PM
It's a harsh price to pay for laziness/forgetfullness. It's happened to me b4 too... sux arse. Anyways, gotta learn from our mistakes.

"Wear a seatbelt or wear a fine"

09-09-2011, 05:12 PM
Should never have admitted to not having it on.
You have had your rights to privacy waved because they were filming you without your consent. Should of said show me the video which they must under law, if he said tough luck, woulda told him get the hell outta my face, ill see you in court.

Simple & honest mistake yet they be assoles about something like that yet they do it everyday themselves... >.>

09-09-2011, 07:01 PM
Should never have admitted to not having it on.
You have had your rights to privacy waved because they were filming you without your consent. Should of said show me the video which they must under law, if he said tough luck, woulda told him get the hell outta my face, ill see you in court.

Simple & honest mistake yet they be assoles about something like that yet they do it everyday themselves... >.>

Don't like your reply dude - asking for trouble. Being sorry / dumb will likely get you out of a simple fine - than giving attitude/acting defensive. You will go to court , spend the $$$$$ , and lose when the police pull out the video evidence they spoke of. Waste of time because you acted like a stubborn prick and now you pay lots more $$$.

Yes , there are occasions when you CAN take them
To court and win because you actually didn't do anything wrong / illegal - or you did so due to a valid reason ( run red light to avoid getting hit by a truck from behind etc)

09-09-2011, 08:02 PM
from VicRoads website:

There are some circumstances in which a person may be exempt from wearing a seatbelt, such as when the driver is reversing the vehicle, or is engaged in the door-to-door delivery or collection of goods or garbage and is travelling under 25 km/h.

Obviously if you are at a give way sign or red light etc you wont take off ur seatbelt, that comment was ridiculous.
The topic was about him getting out of his driveway and driving down the street. As long as its under 25km/h from what he was doing then it should be fine. If you were to contest this within court you would ask what a reasonable man would do in that situation. For all you know he maybe in a rush that morning for work. Getting out of his driveway and putting on his seatbelt whilst driving down the street wouldn't be a problem in the court of law at all.

You misinterpreted the Vicroads ruling. The under 25 km/h part is only applicable if he was reversing, performing door-to-door delivery or collecting garbage. It does not apply to normal driving forwards.

10-09-2011, 06:24 AM
Cmon mate - such an easy thing to avoid a fine, popo pulling u over.

10-09-2011, 03:57 PM
Well from what the OP has said, he has reversed out of his driveway (in accordance with VicRoad Rules) to not have his seatbelt on and has then progress to put it on as he takes off not to hold up traffic i assume. That sounds fairly reasonable.

Bennjamin i can understand you dislike my opinion and that's fine, had my fair share of really *** cops. I live by the rule, how you speak to me when you approach my window, is how you will receive my chit chat for the rest of the conversation

11-09-2011, 01:58 AM
cop is a wanker. end of story

11-09-2011, 10:33 AM
cop is a wanker. end of story

Op did something illegal and got caught , cop doing their job. End of story.

12-09-2011, 02:28 AM
want a slice of cake ben?

12-09-2011, 03:14 PM
technically i was in the wrong i know that.

Cop is being a wanker...but so are you because of that ^^^ He wouldn't have had a chance to be a wanker if you didn't slip up.

Seat belt goes on before car goes into gear, thats my theory.

12-09-2011, 04:40 PM
want a slice of cake ben?

I need a tissue.

14-09-2011, 04:42 PM
is every1 missing the info about it being perfectly legal to reverse in victoria with no seatbelt?? or is that just me? has some1 checked the rules for NSW? surely something like that couldnt be so different, unless its a state full of hoons and outlaws who drive and live on the edge of life...

oh and cops a wanker... if any1 really would slam into you from behind the inertia would push you back into your seat and not out through the front window.

14-09-2011, 06:10 PM
is every1 missing the info about it being perfectly legal to reverse in victoria with no seatbelt?? or is that just me? has some1 checked the rules for NSW? surely something like that couldnt be so different, unless its a state full of hoons and outlaws who drive and live on the edge of life...

oh and cops a wanker... if any1 really would slam into you from behind the inertia would push you back into your seat and not out through the front window.

LOL... cause there not from VIC thats why :)
Good topic this though if i may say so!

15-09-2011, 09:52 AM
have a read of this OP if you think you got unlucky.


15-09-2011, 10:22 PM
mmm good read, i do have to swipe my security card to get out of the car park but im not a retard driver so i can do it with my selt belt on haha.
Just think when it comes down to it all that matters is how much of an ego the police officer has.

15-09-2011, 11:10 PM
you shouldn't have admitted to committing the offence and then asked for video footage... worst thing that could happen is copping the fine/points. One of their fav tools is that voice recorder.

16-09-2011, 04:54 PM
I would have personally asked him to prove it.. If he could prove it, then you got a fine, if not, you don't.

23-09-2011, 02:07 PM
OP is a wanker.

Anyone who gets caught without a seatbelt and bitches about it, automatically becomes a wanker.

23-09-2011, 02:44 PM
i can underdstand your frustration of being fined n whatever. your not a wanker so to speak. you are however in the wrong. the second you start that car your seatbelt should be on. its common sence..

my 2c

agree in wat Alex said.
Most of the time police will at times wait to see someone makes the fault like this situation with the seatbelt to then fine where they see it necessary.

Since the import scene is on the virg of now being dead.

Get this the boys in blue even now setup operations to now nab people for J walking.
Its now come to that.

26-09-2011, 10:18 AM
agree in wat Alex said.
Most of the time police will at times wait to see someone makes the fault like this situation with the seatbelt to then fine where they see it necessary.

Since the import scene is on the virg of now being dead.

Get this the boys in blue even now setup operations to now nab people for J walking.
Its now come to that.

The import scene is far from being dead lol....

26-09-2011, 08:49 PM
"coppers coppers punch em in the face, coppers coppers..................... BUT your still a cop and your gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" Trent From Punchy

27-09-2011, 10:27 PM
lmao mikey i always think of that wen i see cops